Top 5 Social Media Safety Tips for the Holiday Season
Top 5 Social Media Safety Tips for the Holiday Season
Recently, there’s been a lot of media coverage regarding children and online safety as two new bills make their way through Congress.
Top 5 Social Media Safety Tips for the Holiday Season
While these bills are a welcome move for families and society at-large, the question might be asked why it’s taken so long.
1 Location
It’s best not to share your location on social media, or anywhere online for that matter.Many platforms have a geotagging “check-in” feature, which can be an open invite to burglars, predators, and bullies.
2 Communication
Consider sitting down for a family meeting to discuss a social media use plan. In this meeting, you can discuss boundaries and reach a consensus, for example, agreeing on a social media curfew to help aid sleep.
3 Oversharing
It’s important your children know not to overshare. Kids often struggle to understand the potential consequences of oversharing, so it’s up to adults to sit down with them and explain why it’s bad and the kinds of dangers it can put people in.
4 Digital Citizenship
It’s important children are familiar with the concept of digital citizenship. Aside from leading by example, offer the following rules to follow.
5 Digital Detox
Parents might also consider a family digital detox now and then — especially over the Christmas and New Year period, when families typically have more time together.