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New Baby Girl Quotes

‘A baby girl is like a giggle wrapped in sunshine and glitter. She will always brighten your day.’ ‘Her little hands stole my heart. Her little feet ran away with it.’ ‘I don’t know who you will be, but I know you will be my everything.’ ‘A baby girl: one of the most beautiful miracles in life, one 

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New Baby Girl Quotes

of the greatest joys we can ever know, and one of the reasons why where is a little extra sunshine, laughter and happiness in your world today.’ ‘She’s far more precious than jewels.’ Proverbs 31:10 ‘A baby girl fills a place in your heart you never knew was empty.’ ‘Though she be but little, she is fierce.’ – Shakespeare

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New Baby Girl Quotes

Happiness is…holding your baby girl in your arms for the very first time.’ ‘A baby will make your heart fuller, your home happier, and your future brighter.’

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Baby Daughter Quotes

‘No matter how old my daughter gets, she’ll always be my baby girl.’ ‘When we asked for a daughter, we were sent a princess….That’s our baby girl.’ ‘A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give.’ ‘Sometimes when I need a miracle I look into my 

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Baby Daughter Quotes

daughter’s eyes and realize I already have one.’ ‘I don’t want my daughter to follow in my footsteps. I want her to walk the path next to me and go further than I could have ever dreamed.’ ‘If I could give my daughter three things, it would be the confidence to always know her self-worth, the strength to follow her dreams, and 

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Baby Daughter Quotes

the ability to know how truly, deeply loved she really is.’

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Cute Baby Girl Quotes

‘She is the best thing I have ever waited for.’ ‘We made a wish and you came true.’ ‘God knew our hearts needed you.’ ‘You will always be the miracle that make my life complete.’ ‘Isn’t she lovely.’

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Cute Baby Girl Quotes

‘A baby girl is God’s way of saying, I thought you could use a lifelong friend.’ She is my definition of perfect.’

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Welcome Newborn Baby Girl Quotes

‘She is so tiny, she is so small, and she is so loved by all!’ ‘A baby girl is a blessing. A gift from heaven above. A precious little angel to cherish and love.’ ‘Congratulations on the beautiful little angel added to your family.’ ‘Here comes a little baby girl, to fill our hearts and brighten our world.’

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Welcome Newborn Baby Girl Quotes

‘And suddenly, she was my everything.’ ‘There is nothing quite like that perfect moment when your holding your baby girl in your arms and realize you would do absolutely anything for her.’

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Baby Girl Quotes From Mom

‘What an honor it is to be your mom.’ ‘My greatest wish is that my baby girl always knows how much I love her, and that she’ll walk through the rest of her life knowing I’ll always be there for her anyway I can.’ ‘My sweet baby girl, I will never find the words to describe just how much I love you.’

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Baby Girl Quotes From Mom

‘No one prepared me for just how much love I would have for my baby girl.’ ‘Baby girl, being your mama is the greatest gift I have ever been given.’ ‘My baby girl will never have to wonder where to go for a hug, love, or support. Her mama will always be there for her no matter how old she is.’

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Baby Girl Quotes From Mom

‘Baby girls are their mother’s best friend and their father’s little princess.’ ‘My sweet baby girl, the first day of your life, was the best day of mine.’

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Quotes For New Born Baby Girl

‘Something tells me I am going to love her forever.’ ‘Our baby girl fills our lives with sunshine and our hearts with love.’ ‘This baby girl will be raised with more love than she could want for.’ ‘When you meet your baby girl for the first time, it is like meeting your reason to live.’

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Quotes For New Born Baby Girl

‘The day my baby girl came into my life, I knew that my purpose was to love and protect her with everything I have.’