Six Common Causes Of Conflicts In Relationships And How They Can Be Avoided

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Common Causes Of Conflicts

Conflict is a well-known concept to humans and has been in existence since the day of Cain and Abel.  From countries disagreeing with each other to family conflicts and relationship conflicts, it is no doubt that conflict is a part and parcel of human day-to-day lives.

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Common Causes Of Conflicts

Partners and couples disagree with each other in relationships and marriage, not because they don’t love each other, but because of the inevitable nature of conflict.  If the tongue and teeth can disagree and bite each other once in a while, who are we then as humans not to occasionally witness the conflict in our relationships.

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Common Causes Of Conflicts

Conflicts in relationships can lead to depression, anxiety, abuse, hypertension, and even divorce. But what are the most common causes of these conflicts? In this article, we will be taking a look at some of the most popular issues that lead to conflict and how they can be avoided.

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1. Finance

As the popular saying goes, “Money is the root of all evils.” This saying can not be said to be far from the truth as many cases of conflict in marriages and relationships have been traced to issues of finance.  Some partners depend on their spouses for their financial needs. Hence, the inability of these spouses to partially or fully meet these needs sometimes degenerates into conflict. 

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1. Finance

How it can be avoided: To avoid running into trouble with your partner due to finances, try to get them to sit down and reason with each other. Make a proper plan on how to cater for both of your needs with your available incomes.

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2. Choice of meals

The importance of food can never be overemphasized, it is simply inevitable. Times without numbers, the choice of what and what not to eat in the house has led to conflict in many relationships.  While partner ‘A’ may be craving rice and chicken, it could be beans and plantains that partner ‘B’ would yearn for. This disagreement in their choice of food can subtly turn to conflict if care is not taken.

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2. Choice of meals

How it can be avoided: To avoid conflict due to meal choice, you can simply draft out a timetable for your daily meals. This will simply save you from the unnecessary argument about what to cook and what not to cook. In the timetable, you can also make room for some changes in case either of you doesn’t like a particular food.

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2. Choice of meals

Assuming, in your timetable, the meal to be prepared for Monday morning is tea and bread, and it is not a food liked by your spouse, you can make room to also fix in another food liked by your spouse on such a day.

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3. Choice of television channels to watch

People who have football or Zee World-loving partners can easily relate to this. For some men, nothing can stop them from watching their favourite football teams play, while some women can’t trade their favourite Zee World series for anything. If proper care is not taken, the choice of who to handle the remote, especially on days when sporting and Zee World program clashes can lead to conflict.

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3. Choice of television channels to watch

How it can be avoided: Before any sport or Zee World program, you should try to inform your partner ahead of time. For instance, if your football club is having a match on the weekend, you can inform your partner during the weekdays, so as to be certain they won’t also be having any Zeeworld program at the same time.

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3. Choice of television channels to watch

Having more than a Television that could take care of both of your needs simultaneously is also a plus.

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4. Chores

As funny as this may sound, it has led to countless conflicts in relationships, especially in marriage.  Some men are of the opinion that it is the job of a woman to take care of the home and do all the house chores, while their own responsibility is to provide money for the family. 

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4. Chores

Some women on the other hand believe they are not slaves and shouldn’t be the one cooking, cleaning, washing and doing other house chores without any kind of assistance from their partners.  This has no doubt degenerated into conflicts many times in relationships.

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4. Chores

How it can be avoided: Both of you should understand that you both need each other to make the relationship work. You should be intentional about taking care of the house chore in a way that will not lead to conflict. There is equally no crime in assisting each other with some house chores, either out of courtesy or to ensure your partner doesn’t feel overwhelmed with household chores.

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5. Insecurities

Jealousy, lack of trust, vulnerability, and the like can lead to conflict in a relationship when care is not taken. If you are insecure about your partner, you will keep bringing up unnecessary issues that could degenerate into conflict.

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5. Insecurities

How it can be avoided: If you notice your partner is the one that is insecure in the relationship, try to always create time to spend with them and constantly reassure them of your love and commitment to the relationship. 

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5. Insecurities

On the other hand, if you are the one that is insecure in the relationship, try to develop self-esteem, rather than bringing up a fight with your partner, try to talk to them about what they are not doing right.

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6. Intimacy

It is a common phenomenon in marriages that one partner always desires more intimacy than the other.  The partner who desires more may feel rejected and unappreciated, while the partner with a low sex drive may feel they are under pressure to do more than they can. This has, in many cases, led to conflict in many marriages.

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6. Intimacy

How it can be avoided: To be on the same level when it comes to intimacy, there is a need for proper sex communication between the two couples. You should both sit down and talk about how to bridge the gap between you in terms of intimacy.

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6. Intimacy

You can also book an appointment with a relationship and sex expert who can help provide professional advice on how you can improve your sexual life.