Relatable Quotes About Kids Growing Up Too Fast

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Our Favorite Quotes About Kids Growing Up

“Childhood is a short season.” -Helen Hays “The days are long, but the years are short.” “It flies by in the blink of an eye. Before you know it, they’re grown and gone.” “I will hold on to the memories and get ready for what’s to come in the next chapter.” -Alissa Kay

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Our Favorite Quotes About Kids Growing Up

“Before you know it, they’ve grown up so fast and all you have are memories.” “You may outgrow my lap, but you will never outgrow my heart.” “You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once.” -Polish Proverb “No one tells you that the hardest part of being a mother is watching your child grow up.” – Unknown

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Our Favorite Quotes About Kids Growing Up

“Those little hands and feet won’t be little forever.” “Cherish the time you have with your children while they are little because they grow up so fast.” – Unknown “If your days as a mother seem long and mundane, remember that it is but a short breath before their wings are ready and they take flight.”

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Our Favorite Quotes About Kids Growing Up

“Hold onto the tiny moments and cherish the little snuggles. They grow up so fast. “Dear Mama, Babies don’t keep.” “Let me love you a little more, before you’re not little anymore.” “Enjoy the little things. For one day you might look back and realize they were the big things.”

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Our Favorite Quotes About Kids Growing Up

“The fingerprints on the wall appear higher and higher. Then suddenly they disappear.” -Dorothy “It’s a bittersweet moment when your child starts growing up. You’re so proud of all their accomplishments, but you also can’t help but feel a little sad that they’re not children anymore.” – Unknown “The days are long but the years are short.”

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Our Favorite Quotes About Kids Growing Up

“Dear Mama, There’s no way to freeze time and keep your child little forever. Instead, you must love them and enjoy them as much as you can today because tomorrow they will be a little older.” “I regret not having had more time with my kids when they were growing up.” – Tina Turner “It’s inevitable. Your kids will grow up. Just don’t let it happen without you.”

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Our Favorite Quotes About Kids Growing Up

“In the blink of an eye, you’ve grown so fast. Now your childhood is a thing of the past.” “Don’t grow up too fast darling. Age is inevitable, but if you nurture a childlike heart, you’ll never grow old.” -Beth Hoffman “I wish I could hit pause and keep you as you are. It seems like I waited forever for you to be mine and now 

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Our Favorite Quotes About Kids Growing Up

that you’re here it feels like it’s all going by so fast.” -Lauren Tingley “Just because you had to grow up too fast, doesn’t mean your children need to.” “Our children are only ever lent to us. We never know just how long we will be able to keep them for. So kiss them, cuddle them, and hold them tightly. But most of all, tell them you love them every day.”

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Our Favorite Quotes About Kids Growing Up

“I already miss the child you were.” -Lauren Tingley “Don’t try to make me grow up before my time.” – Louisa May Alcott “You know that place between sleep and awake. That place where you can still remember dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you, that’s where I’ll be waiting.” -Peter Pan

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Our Favorite Quotes About Kids Growing Up

“I want to hold him in my arms a little longer today, because already my baby is gone. Already there is a little boy in his place. And one day not too far in the future, there will be an older boy in his place, and then a teenager, and then a young man.” -Liz Curtis Faria “Too many people grow up. That’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They 

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Our Favorite Quotes About Kids Growing Up

don’t remember what it’s like to be 12 years old. They patronize, they treat children as inferiors.” -Walt Disney “Children outgrow childhood so much faster than we’re ready for.” “But I’m warning you, once you’re grown up, you can never come back.” – from Peter Pan “Who says you have to grow up?” -Walt Disney

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Our Favorite Quotes About Kids Growing Up

“I love pictures because they never change, even if the people in them do.” “Keep your children wild. Don’t make them grow up too fast.” Brook Hampton “The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow, But children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep! I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.” 

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Our Favorite Quotes About Kids Growing Up

“Growing up happens when you start having things you look back on and wish you could change.” — Cassandra Clare, City of Ashes “I wish I could slow it all down. While I love watching you grow, it’s a bittersweet process. With every milestone your childhood becomes more distant and I know that these days that we have together are limited.” -Lauren Tingley

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Heartwarming Quotes About Kids Growing Up

“If I could I would keep you as mine forever, but my job is to let you go.” -Lauren Tingley “Your house will be empty before you know it. Don’t waste this opportunity to cherish your children while they are small.” “You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow they’ll be a little bit older than they are today. Today is a gift. Notice, 

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Heartwarming Quotes About Kids Growing Up

breathe, smell them, hold them, study their little faces for tomorrow it will have all changed.” “Pay attention and enjoy today mama. Relish the present moment you have with your child before it’s gone.” “The first time you held your baby, it was the beginning of forever. You were given a privilege to nurture and care 

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Heartwarming Quotes About Kids Growing Up

for another human being that will be with you until the end of their days on this earth.” “When you’re in the thick of raising children it’s difficult to notice the little changes that are happening every day. Then one day, you look up from your cup of coffee, and the child that was before you yesterday has transformed into a young adult.” -Lauren Tingley

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Heartwarming Quotes About Kids Growing Up

“I wish I could go back in time and watch my kids grow up all over again because it is just going by too fast.” -Robert Rodriguez “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” -Unknown “The older they get, the more independent they become and the less time you have to spend with them. It’s hard to 

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Heartwarming Quotes About Kids Growing Up

watch your child grow up and leave you behind, but at the same time you’re so proud of all their accomplishments.” “Don’t waste your time trying to be the perfect parent. Instead, enjoy, cherish and protect the time you have with them today.” “If I could do it all over again, I’d change the future by slowing down time and savoring each moment with you.”

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Funny “Kids Grow Up Fast” Quotes

“You know your children are growing up when they stop asking you where they came from and refuse to tell you where they’re going.” – P. J. O’Rourke “Just so you don’t worry about your kids growing up too fast; they’ll still come home and eat all your food and borrow your money when they’re adults.” “They say that time flies when you’re having fun. I 

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Funny “Kids Grow Up Fast” Quotes

guess that means being a parent is one long non-stop party!” “They grow up so fast. It seems just yesterday I was changing their diapers and now they’re asking for the car keys.” – Unknown “Becoming a mom to me means that you have accepted that for the next 16 years of your life, you will have a sticky purse.” —Nia Vardalos

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Funny “Kids Grow Up Fast” Quotes

“Growing up is such a barbarous business, full of inconvenience and pimples.” -J.M. Barrie “It is amazing how quickly the kids learn to drive a car, yet are unable to understand the lawnmower, snow-blower or vacuum cleaner.” -Ben Bergor “Will you just do me a favor and stop growing up so fast?”

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Funny “Kids Grow Up Fast” Quotes

“Time flies when you’re raising kids. One day you’re knee-deep in diapers and the next they’re learning to drive.” -Lauren Tingley “Let your kids sit on your lap while they can,  because one day they won’t fit.” “You’re not even old enough to know how bad life gets.” -The Virgin Suicides “One day you’re changing their diapers, and the next 

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Funny “Kids Grow Up Fast” Quotes

you’re sending them off to college!” “They grow up in a blink of an eye, and before you know it, you’re wishing for the days when their biggest worry was what type of ice cream to have after dinner.”