6 reasons why you should celebrate Christmas with your children

Helps you instil the joy of giving

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Christmas is all about giving gifts and celebrating.  Let your child experience the joy of giving by encouraging them with buying thoughtful gifts for friends and families.

Spread positivity and excitement

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Christmas is the time when the holiday season kicks in.  The atmosphere rejoices with positive energy and relieves stress. 

Teach them about different faiths

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 It is good to celebrate Christmas in all its right spirit with your children so they learn how different faiths celebrate their festivals while also imbibing a sense of religious tolerance in them.

Spending quality time with them

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Prepare for the festivities by involving your children in decorations and tidying up the home.  With a lot of fun comes lots of work too. 

Get to meet family

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The Christmas dinner is the most special activity amongst all these festivities. It helps families meet and spend time together.

Inculcate the true spirit

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Christmas is not just a festival; it is an emotion, it is a spirit. Explain to your children why you celebrate the festival.  Save them from the commercialism and the greed for gifts.

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