Proud Parents Quotes for Graduation

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Short Graduation Sayings From Proud Parents

– Respect. – You amaze me. – Way to go, kiddo! – Well done, my child. – Color me impressed. – Keep chasing success. – I'm feeling all the pride. – Way to represent the fam! – You graduate, me proud. – Expectations exceeded. – Graduation becomes you. – I am fiercely proud of you.

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Sweet Graduation Messages for Proud Parents to Share

– Success looks incredible on you. – To say we are proud of you would be the understatement of the year. We are amazed by all you have accomplished. – Through it all, you pushed yourself to achieve greatness, and you did. – Your greatest adventure is about to begin. We couldn't be prouder of you. – You worked hard to succeed. Congrats, kiddo.

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Sweet Graduation Messages for Proud Parents to Share

– With a diploma in hand, your future looks bright. Know that we will always be proud of you. – Our pride can't be measured. Watching you succeed is our greatest accomplishment. – Go ahead, let that tassel go to your head. – I can't wait to boast about your graduation to all my friends. – Thank you for making this my proudest day as a parent (so far).

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Sweet Graduation Messages for Proud Parents to Share

– I can't wait to be a witness to you making your mark on the world. – Welcome to the first day of your life as a graduate. I'm proud to be part of it. – The future you have worked so hard to achieve is just around the corner. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. – Completing your education is an important step in the journey of life. You've earned the right to level-up. – We've always known how 

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Sweet Graduation Messages for Proud Parents to Share

smart you are, and now we're so proud that you have earned the paper to prove it!

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Inspirational High School Graduation Quotes From Parents

– Watching you grow and change has been a true gift. And today we are watching you take the next steps toward your future by accepting your high school diploma. – Congrats our graduate. We know that you can achieve everything you put your mind to. Enjoy the journey. – Your future burns brighter than the sun. We couldn't be prouder of all that you've achieved and will achieve in the future.

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Inspirational High School Graduation Quotes From Parents

– From a little toddler holding our hand to a grown high school graduate, the ride has been an adventure for the books. We are so proud to be your parents. – You don't need a paved road in front of you. You pave them for others. We are so proud to be your parents and watch all you've achieved high school graduate. – All your hard work in high school paid off with high honors. Congrats our graduate.

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Inspirational High School Graduation Quotes From Parents

– Being your parent is the greatest honor I've ever achieved. I'm so proud of all you've accomplished through your hard work and dedication. – You've always written your own story. We are so happy that we got to be with you during the adventure of high school. As you grow and start a new chapter, we want you to know how proud we are. – I've always been proud of 

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Inspirational High School Graduation Quotes From Parents

you. Watching you forge your way through high school and meet any struggle with poise and grace was a true gift. You are a unique and wonderful individual. Congrats. – Your first day of school walking hand in hand is one of my most cherished memories. As I hug you and watch your high school graduation, I'm so very proud of you. I know that no matter where you go in this world, .

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Inspirational High School Graduation Quotes From Parents

you will brighten the lives of those around you

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Sentimental Graduation Quotes From Parents

– Have I told you lately that I admire you? – Rejoice in all you have accomplished, my child. – On this your graduation day, celebrate all you have done and who you have become. – Take delight in your graduation; you deserve to be proud of all you have accomplished. – You started the day as a student, and you're ending it as a graduate. I could not be more proud.

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Sentimental Graduation Quotes From Parents

– Just like that, I feel more pride for you than I thought possible. Congratulations on your graduation. – I cried tears of joy when they called your name and swelled with pride as you strode across the stage. – We know how hard you worked to get here and are so proud to see you get the recognition you deserve. – Today, my heart is overflowing with pride in all you have accomplished and 

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Sentimental Graduation Quotes From Parents

admiration for your dedication. – Today graduation; tomorrow the world! I always knew you could do it. I'm so proud of all you accomplished. – I thought I would feel a bit sad as you reached this milestone, but instead I am bursting with pride and admiration. – What you have learned so far has brought your future within reach; what you 

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Sentimental Graduation Quotes From Parents

continue to learn will help you accomplish your dreams.

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Middle School Graduation Quotes From Parents

– You're moving on to the next chapter. Enjoy the moments and follow your dreams. Make cherished memories to last a lifetime. Congrats my middle school grad. – The chapter of your elementary school career is coming to an end. You've grown and changed in amazing ways, and I know you're ready for the challenges of high school. – I'm excited to see what the 

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Middle School Graduation Quotes From Parents

next chapter in your school career with bring you. You've made us so proud with your accomplishments in middle school. – There are so many stars for you to aim for. Let high school help you find the way to your future. The proud parents of a middle school grad. – High school is where you grasp for your dreams and make the best memories of life. You've made us so proud 

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Middle School Graduation Quotes From Parents

as you graduate from middle school and move on. You will continue to make us proud as you grow and change. – Closing the chapter on your middle school career is a huge milestone. Be as proud of yourself as we are of you. – You are turning over a new leaf, our beautiful young teen. Congrats on graduating from middle school. – Bravo! You've made us so proud of you. Even in the 

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Middle School Graduation Quotes From Parents

tough moments of middle school, you did an amazing job. – In a world full of black and white, you are a vibrant red. You shone brightly in middle school and we are so proud to watch you graduate. – As you graduate from middle school and move on to high school, you are going to continue to sparkle.

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Proud Parent Messages for Son's Graduation

– It is a privilege and honor to witness your graduation, son. Our pride for you is immeasurable. Congratulations. – Son, it is an honor to see your years of hard work come to fruition in this way. Congratulations on your graduation. – Nothing could make me more proud than having a son who, on this day, received his diploma. You are an amazing young man.

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Proud Parent Messages for Son's Graduation

– Son, you've made me proud so many times, but today tops the list of your other accomplishments. I can't wait to see how you impress me even more in the future. – Even though you're grown up, I still usually see my baby boy when I look at you. Today, I saw the confident young man you have become receive your diploma. I am so proud of the person you are. – As you started to walk 

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Proud Parent Messages for Son's Graduation

across the stage, I saw the little boy I dropped off at kindergarten, but by the time you picked up your diploma, I saw the incredible young man you have become. I am so proud of you. – You are going to make a difference in this world. You've made a difference in the lives of your parents. We are so proud to watch you graduate. – You set goals for yourself and crush them. We know 

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Proud Parent Messages for Son's Graduation

you will achieve all your dreams, graduate. – Congratulations on your big day. As you pull on your cap and gown and walk down that aisle, know I will be cheering. Your hard work and dedication have been inspiring to watch. – When life handed you lemons, you made lemonade. And today you reap the benefits of all the goals and challenges you've set for yourself, son. There are no 

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Proud Parent Messages for Son's Graduation

words to describe how proud I am of you. – Your first step onto the bus seems like just yesterday. I was proud of you then and every time in between. But today, I'm prouder than I can express to watch you graduate. – Knowledge doesn't end with high school, son. It's something that you'll gain with everything you do. But I know that you will forge an amazing path as you create 

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Proud Parent Messages for Son's Graduation

your future and meet your dreams. – Son, you were always born to shine. As you graduate high school, never forget that you are a bright star creating a more beautiful world with every step you take. And, I'm proud to be your parent. – Getting to this moment wasn't without struggle and hours of studying. But you met every challenge with a smile and a positive attitude. Watching you make your way 

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Proud Parent Messages for Son's Graduation

down the aisle to collect your diploma will be one of my proudest moments as your parent. – Son, you learn and grow from everything you do. You give your best to every moment. We are proud to watch you get your diploma and take the on the next road in your journey.

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Proud Parent's Quotes on Daughter's Graduation

– Dear daughter, take the time to bask in the glow of your accomplishments on your graduation day. – My heart overflowed with all the feels as I watched my daughter pick up her diploma. – My little girl now has the paper she needs to change the world. I can't wait to see what you do next! – Today graduation, tomorrow the world. I wish nothing but the best for my newly graduated baby girl.

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Proud Parent's Quotes on Daughter's Graduation

– From the dolls of childhood to the diploma of today, I've always been so proud of my incredible daughter. – Daughter of mine, I am dazzled by your dedication and diligence. May your graduation day be the perfect launch into the next chapter of your life. – Watching my baby stride across the stage as a self-assured, confident young woman is overwhelming. I am so proud of all you have 

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Proud Parent's Quotes on Daughter's Graduation

accomplished and feel honored to be your mother/father. – A daughter like you is one in a million. We are glad we were that one Congrats on graduation. – Every goal was met with determination and a smile. Our girl, we are so proud of you as you graduate. – From our little princess to a beautiful queen ready to change the world. Thank you for letting us hold your hand 

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Proud Parent's Quotes on Daughter's Graduation

as you weave your way through life. Congratulations on your graduation. – It's been our pleasure to be your parents. We are so proud of this great achievement, daughter. Congrats on your high school graduation. – You worked so hard to make it to this day and it paid off. Congrats our daughter. – Your future looks as bright as you, my daughter. – Today, I know we are the 

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Proud Parent's Quotes on Daughter's Graduation

luckiest parents in the world. We had an amazing daughter that showed us what true commitment and hard work look like. Enjoy your graduation. – Baby girl, you've always been a graduate in my eyes. I've been visualizing this day since the moment you were born. I am so amazingly proud of you.

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Heartwarming Graduation Messages From Proud Parents

– From the moment you first went to school, you wondered about what you would be when you grew up. Well, today, you've shown the world you are ready. You make us so proud. – There are a lot of moments within a parent's life that make their heart swell with pride for their child. Watching you get your diploma is one of those moments. – You've shown the world that you are ready to take on 

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Heartwarming Graduation Messages From Proud Parents

any obstacle that the world will throw at you. You're ready to reach for your dreams and create your own shining future. – Every wave that's thrown you under has made you stronger and more determined. Today you showed the world how amazing you are. We are so proud of you. – You made me proud of you yesterday. You made me proud of you today. And you 

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Heartwarming Graduation Messages From Proud Parents

will make me proud of you in the future. You are an amazing child and I'm glad you are mine. Congrats on graduating.

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Congratulations Quotes for the Proud Parents of a New Graduate

– Way to parent, folks! Great job raising a [high school/college] graduate. – Your kid receives a diploma today, and you certainly deserve to take a bow. Well done, parents! – Congratulations on your child's graduation. That's a major accomplishment--for you and for them. – Getting a kid to graduation is no small feat. Let me be the first to congratulate you on a parenting job well done.

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Congratulations Quotes for the Proud Parents of a New Graduate

– Take a moment and reflect on the fact that you raised a graduate! How's that for a feeling of accomplishment? – They walked across the stage but you, too, deserve an award. Congratulations on raising such an awesome offspring. – Raising a graduate is no easy feat. A lot of parenting went in to helping your child earn the right to mark school as complete. – Your kid is the one who earned their degree/diploma, 

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Congratulations Quotes for the Proud Parents of a New Graduate

but you have now earned the right to say you raised a graduate. Way to go! – While you're reflecting on all your child has accomplished, take a minute to think about how you contributed to their success. Way to go! – Kudos and congratulations to you for all the love, sweat, and tears you invested in helping prepare your child for their graduation day. It worked out great!

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Congratulations Quotes for the Proud Parents of a New Graduate

– Graduation day isn't just about being proud of your kids. You played a pretty big role in getting to this day, so be proud of yourself as well. Kudos to you. – Behind every successful graduate is a support system that made it possible for them to put in the work required to earn their diploma. Congratulations to you.

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Famous Quotes Parent's on Child's Graduation

– "Graduation day is finally here, your dreams you did pursue. All your hard work has paid off, we are so very proud of you." - Catherine Pulsifer – "We've come not to celebrate your achievements, but to celebrate who you are." - Dr. Kevin Leman – "We are so happy for you. You deserve this day to be recognized as you have worked hard to reach graduation day. Well done!" - Byron Pulsifer

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Famous Quotes Parent's on Child's Graduation

– "Congratulations! today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away." - Dr. Seuss – "Behind you now is yesterday; let your experience and knowledge pave the way. Here's to you and to your success, we know you will give it your best." - Theodore W. Higginsworth – "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt.

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Famous Quotes Parent's on Child's Graduation

– "Go forth and set the world on fire." - St. Ignatius of Loyola – "She believed she could, so she did." - R.S. Grey – "You overcame every test. Done tons of homework. For all those years. Congratulations, you made it."- Danielle Duckery – "The most important thing in your life is to live your life with integrity and to not give into peer pressure to try to be something that you're not." - Ellen DeGeneres