Parenting trends to watch out for in 2022

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Social media and unfiltered parenthood

With changing times, the type of content consumed on social media is also changing. Earlier, the content created on social media often showcased unrealistic and exaggerated perfection levels.  This made it a fusspot and created anxiety within communities. However, with new apps and new features, there is a huge change in content. One can see a lot 

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Social media and unfiltered parenthood

of unfiltered and realistic content from mommy bloggers and content creators.  The parenting community has begun to open up more about the vulnerable side of parenting. From discussions around topics like miscarriage to talking about the needs of special children and support to special parents, social media has become a space for

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Social media and unfiltered parenthood

like-minded people who are finding solutions to similar issues they are facing.

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Knowing kids better

It’s not just parents who have had rough times in these two years of the pandemic. If parenting has been a challenge for them, growing in this uncertain and constantly changing world has been a real struggle for kids.  According to researchers at JAMA pediatric, the global prevalence of symptoms of clinically elevated depression and anxiety has likely 

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Knowing kids better

doubled among children during the pandemic. This stresses the importance of why working on a child's social and mental health should continue to be one of the important parenting practices this new year.

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It’s about engaging, not just gifts

We all love gifts but we enjoy experiences more. Remember, gifting children experiences will remind them that you are there for them.  Your time is more rewarding than anything. Use the pillars of gentle parenting to give memorable experiences to your child. Start with acknowledging that it’s all about bonding with your child; use autonomy and 

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It’s about engaging, not just gifts

choice and allow your child to be a part of the parenting process.

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Kids have no gender

Gender-neutral parenting has been there for over a decade now. But in the past year, it has picked up and now we see more and more parents opting for it.  Millennial parents no longer want to fit their children in predefined boxes of society but want to allow them to experiment, experience and express themselves without any pressure of conforming to gender roles.

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Support beyond the virtual space

Technology has proved to be that loyal ally of parents in the past two years.  However, as things are getting better, it’s high time to think beyond the virtual space and indulge in real-life experiences with children and loved ones. After all, nothing can replicate face-to-face interaction.

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Saying yes to climate change

Raising eco-conscious kids is a real thing today. With climate change and environmental threats increasing by the day, parents have started to opt for natural products.  Sustainability does not only mean using natural and chemical-free products for your kids but it’s about adopting a completely different lifestyle. It’s about becoming aware of 

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Saying yes to climate change

environment-related issues and taking necessary steps as a family and moving towards a low waste lifestyle. Many families are moving towards this greener living and it is a trend that is here to stay.

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Going back to school

Yes, omicron has forced shut the schools again. But once it’s all over, and it will be, children will return to the classrooms.  The swings and see-saws will creak back to life, and the buzz will follow the morning prayer. But going back to school won’t be easy – a once-familiar routine will seem so new. There will be apprehension and 

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Going back to school

discomfiture, and everyone involved – children, parents and teachers – will need time to get used to school life.  Everyone will have their special needs, and amid all the energy, it will be empathy that will keep us together.