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Quotes For New Dads

‘Being a new daddy means being the child’s protector while unleashing the little kid trapped inside you. Have fun with your kid and don’t forget how fast time flies by. Spending time with your kid now will help strengthen your relationship with them as they grow older.’ ‘Fatherhood is a great challenge but the most profound gift to every husband.’

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Quotes For New Dads

‘Fatherhood is the greatest thing that could ever happen. You can’t explain it until it happens; it’s like telling somebody what water feels like before they’ve ever swam in it.’ – Michael Bublé ‘Nothing in life will ever make you as happy, as sad, as exhausted, or as incredibly proud as fatherhood.’ ‘Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.’ – Anne Geddes

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Quotes For New Dads

‘Nothing ever fits the palm so perfectly, or feels so right, or inspires so much protective instinct as the hand of a child.’ – Gregory David Roberts ‘Everyone has to experience their first time about everything. I experience my first job, first time to travel abroad, first love, and all the firsts. I get to be a first time dad and it excites me so much.’

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Quotes About Becoming A Father

‘Fathering is not something perfect men do, but something that perfects the man.’ – Frank Pittman ‘Having a kid is like falling in love for the first time when you’re 12, but every day.’ – Mike Myers ‘As a dad, I can’t promise to fix all my child’s problems, but I can promise that they will never have to face them alone.’

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Quotes About Becoming A Father

‘I was full of uncertainty whether I will be a good father or not, but he moment I saw you for the first time, all I could think of is that I will love my child for the rest of my life.’ ‘Life will be full of ups and downs. It will be one tough ride. But your love for your child will be the anchor that will see you through it all.’

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First Time Being A Father Quotes

‘Being a first time dad is an incredible experience.’ ‘I’m proud of many things in life, but nothing beats being a father.’ ‘I will never forget the day I became a dad and stood there holding my child in my arms for the very first time. It was like I found my reason to live.’ ‘Having a child just puts your whole world into 

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First Time Being A Father Quotes

perspective. Everything else just disappears.’ ‘Being a father has been, without a doubt, my greatest source of achievement, pride and inspiration. Fatherhood has taught me about unconditional love, reinforced the importance of giving back and taught me how to be a better person.’ ‘Among all my firsts in life, being a first time dad is my favorite.’

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First Time Being A Father Quotes

‘Becoming a dad is like receiving a gift of love and happiness that lasts a lifetime.’

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Becoming A Father For The First Time Quotes

‘Success, and even life itself, wouldn’t be worth anything if I didn’t have my children by my side. They mean everything to me.’ – Jude Law ‘Of all the titles I’ve been privileged to have, Dad has always been the best.’ – Ken Norton ‘The most magical day of my life was the day I became a father.’

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Becoming A Father For The First Time Quotes

‘From the moment I became a father, my purpose has been to love and protect my children with everything I have.’ ‘Becoming a dad means you have to be a role model for your son and be someone he can look up to.’ — Wayne Rooney Any fool can have a child. That doesn’t make you a father. It’s the courage to

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Becoming A Father For The First Time Quotes

raise a child that makes you a father. — Barack Obama

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New Dad Messages

‘Be a loving father to your child and give them a life full of happiness and success.’ ‘Father is the noblest title a man can be given. It is more than a biological role. It signifies a patriarch, a leader, an exemplar, a confidant, a teacher, a hero, a friend.’ – Robert L. Backman ‘He adopted a role called being a father so that his child would have something 

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New Dad Messages

mythical and infinitely important: a protector.’ — Tom Wolfe ‘It feels like all the roads that I took in my life, every road led me to being a father.’ ‘Everything feels so new to me, but the kind of feeling that makes my heart giddy that I will become a father.’ ‘A father doesn’t tell you that he loves you. He shows you.’ — Dimitri the Stoneheart

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First Time Dad Quotes

‘The day you were born is the day my heart rejoiced for finally being called a father. My baby, I may not be a perfect father, but I will protect you till my last breath.’ ‘Did you know that I have been dreaming about this day? The day I can finally hold you in my arms and be called your daddy.’ ‘This little baby has changed my life for the better.’

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First Time Dad Quotes

‘Everyone congratulated me for being a new daddy and wished me luck for the unlimited diaper-change moments with you.’ ‘The only way I can describe fatherhood is at the end of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, you know how his heart grows like five times? Everything is full; it’s just full all the time.’ – Matt Damon ‘It’s an ongoing joy being a dad.’ – Liam Neeson

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New Father Quotes

‘What makes you a man is not the ability to make a child, it’s the courage to raise one.’ – Barak Obama ‘Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, and singers of song.’ – Pam Brown ‘Fatherhood has taught me about unconditional love, reinforced the importance of giving back and taught me 

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New Father Quotes

how to be a better person.’ – Naveen Jain ‘A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society’. – Billy Graham ‘The quality of a father can be seen in the goals, dreams, and aspiration he sets not only for himself, but for his family.’ – Reed Markham