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Inspirational Motherhood Quotes

“Being a mama can be tough, but always remember in the eyes of your child, no one does it better than you.” “If you’re worried about being a good mother, it means you already are one.” “Being a mama isn’t easy, but it is definitely the best job anyone could ever have.” “I see you there mama, trying your best. I see you showing up each day, even though you feel exhausted. I see you making tough choices for 

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Inspirational Motherhood Quotes

your family even when your not sure if they are right. I see you working tirelessly, even when it seems never ending. I see you doing an amazing job, even though you doubt yourself. I see you mama, and you are more than enough.” “I’ve carried a child within my body. I’ve slept with them on my chest. I’ve kissed toes and wiped away tears. I’ve been vomited on, peed on, and spent sleepless nights 

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Inspirational Motherhood Quotes

cradling my child. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. My body isn’t magazine perfect but when I look in the mirror, I see a mama. And there is no greater honor, love or blessing.” “As a mama i’m not perfect. I make mistakes. I forget things. I lose my cool. And somedays I go a little crazy. But, it’s okay because in the end, no one could ever love my child the way I do.”

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Quotes For Motherhood

“I hold my child to sleep every night. Not because they are spoiled. Not because I’m wrapped around their little finger. Not because I’m being manipulated. I do it because I am their safe place. I do it because I am their mama and they need me to comfort them.” “Motherhood is amazing. And then it is really hard. And then it is incredible. And then it is everything in between. So, hold onto the good, 

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Quotes For Motherhood

breathe through the bad, and welcome the wildest and most wonderful ride of your life.” “To the mama who hasn’t felt like herself lately, i know how difficult it is hen you catch yourself not being you. Be patient, your sparkle will return again and you will shine again.” “My child may not have everything they want in life, but they have a mama that loves them more than anything in the world.”

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Quotes For Motherhood

“It’s ok to have strengths and weaknesses as a mama. Some mamas play games, others listen well, some cook with love, and others are great encouragers. We don’t have to be everything, every day to our kids. We just need to show up and love them hard.” “Motherhood is magical. It grants you the power to fall in love with someone before ever meeting them. It gifts you amazing instincts to

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Quotes For Motherhood

look after your cubs. It fuels you in ways you can’t explain to keep you going no matter how exhausted you are. And it expands your heart and fills it with more love than you have ever felt.” “Motherhood is so much simpler when you stop explaining yourself to others and just do what works for you and your family.”

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Short Motherhood Quotes

“Having a bond with your child is something money can’t buy.” “A child is the most beautiful gift this world has to give.” “My biggest accomplishment will never be money. It will be who I raised.” “I wouldn’t change my children for the world, but I wish I could change the world for my children.” “I just want to be the best mama I can be.” “What an honor it is to be a tiny somebody’s everything.”

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Short Motherhood Quotes

“Kids don’t need a perfect mama. They need a happy one.” “Behind every young child who believes in themselves is a mama who believed first.” “Nothing in life will ever make you as happy, as sad, as exhausted, or as incredibly proud as motherhood.” “When your child has a hard day, they don’t ask, ‘can we talk?’ instead they ask, ‘will you come play with me?'”

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Short Motherhood Quotes

“Your time with your kids is so precious. Please don’t take it for granted.” “Your little family is the best team you could ever have.” “Happiness is having a husband who is also an amazing dad.” “Nothing in life is more important to me than my family.”

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Beautiful Quotes On Motherhood

“There are many things in life I have taken for granted, but the opportunity and ability to be a mama will never be one of them.” “Some day you will wake up and your house will be clean, but your babies will be all grown up and on their own. Enjoy the mess and your kids. They are only babies once.” “No one prepared me for just how much love I would have for my child.”

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Beautiful Quotes On Motherhood

“I think the best part of being a mom is when your little one looks up at you and just smiles and stares because they know you are their person. Like nobody else is as important as you. They know that you have them like nobody else ever will. The connection is indescribable.” “Having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most sweetest and peaceful feelings in the world.” “Hold on to the tiny moments 

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Beautiful Quotes On Motherhood

and cherish the little things. They grow up so fast.” “From the moment I became a mother, my purpose has been to love and protect my children with everything I have.” “There will never be a day, like a day your baby was born.” “When you feel that first little kick, and hear a heart beat for the first time you suddenly understand what it means to love someone more than your own life.”

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Enjoying Motherhood Quotes

“Seeing my child happy is one of the best feelings in the world.” “You won’t know it’s the last time until it doesn’t happen again. The last time they ask to be picked up. The last time they need help pouring their drink. The last time they ask to hold your hand or snuggle on the couch. So try treat each moment as if it’s the last time, because once it stops and your realize those moments are over, they will surely be missed.”

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Enjoying Motherhood Quotes

“My house is filled with toys, has fingerprintes on everything, and is never quiet. My hair is usually a mess and I am always tired, but there is always love and laughter. in 20 years, my kids won’t remember the house or my hair, but they will remember the quality time we spent together and the love they felt.” “As a parent we try our best to teach our children all about life, but really they 

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Enjoying Motherhood Quotes

are the ones teaching us what life is all about.” “I asked God for a life full of love and happiness. He sent me my family.” “Happiness is when your child comes and hugs you just because.” “Do you ever look at your child and start smiling? Not because your child did something amazing, just smiling because you realize how blessed you really are.”

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Enjoying Motherhood Quotes

“You’ll never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow they’ll be a little older than they were today. This day is a gift. Just breathe, notice, study their faces. Pay attention. Relish the charms of the present. Enjoy today, it will be over before you know it.” “No one ever looks back at the end of their life and thinks ‘I spent too much time with my kids.'”

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Mother And Child Quotes

“My goal is to raise my children to have the courage to be whoever they want to be.” “One day, all your children will have is photos of you. So make sure you are in them. No matter what your hair, makeup, or body looks like…they won’t care. They’ll just want to see you and the love that you have for them.” “Sometimes the only way to get over the sadness of your kids growing up is to rest in 

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Mother And Child Quotes

the beauty of the people they are becoming.” “I don’t want my children to follow in my footsteps. I want them to take the path next to me and go further then I could have ever dreamt possible.” “I don’t want my children to grow up and think the aim of life is to be rich, to be popular, to be highly educated, or to be perfect. I want them to know life is about being real, being humble, and being kind.”

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Mother And Child Quotes

“A child is going to remember who was there, not what was spent on them. Kids outgrow a toy and outfits, but they never outgrow time and love.” “Do you ever just look at your child and literally feel your heart melting because you love them so much.” “I don’t care if my child is academically gifted. I care if they are the one that plays with the lonely child siting by themself.”

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Mother And Child Quotes

“I’m going to teach my children to reach for the stars, but I’m going to make sure they know I will love them regardless of where they land.” “I go constantly between wanting you to stay my little baby forever, and being excited about all the amazing things you’ll do in this life.” “No matter how old my child gets, I still check in on them while they are sleeping.”