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Missing My Family Quotes

‘Sadness is missing your family.’ ‘I miss my family more than words can say.’ ‘I miss my family, but even when they are not here they still manage to make me smile.’ ‘Even if I spend the whole day with my family, I still miss them the second I leave.’

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Missing My Family Quotes

‘I miss my family with all my heart.’ ‘My family and I are never apart. Maybe in distance but never in heart.’ ‘I will never stop missing my family, even when I am with them.’ ‘I miss my family every day.’ ‘I miss my family. It hurts not having them close, but it 

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Missing My Family Quotes

would hurt even more if I didn’t have them at all.’ ‘I miss my family! They may be a thousand miles away, but no one else is closer to my heart than them.’

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Missing My Family Back Home Quotes

‘Whenever I miss my family back home, I think about all the beautiful memories we’ve made together and all the memories we are going to make when we see each other again.’ ‘Some days I wish I could go back and relive days with my family back home. Not to change anything, but just to feel a few things twice.’

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Missing My Family Back Home Quotes

‘My family back home may be out of my sight, but never out of my heart.’ ‘When I go back home and spend time with my family, the hours seem like seconds. When I leave the days feel like years.’ ‘Whenever I think back to my childhood, I can’t help but miss my family back home. Spending time with them in the family home are some 

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Missing My Family Back Home Quotes

of the most treasured memories of my heart.’ ‘I miss having the family all together. As much as we drive each other crazy, they are the people that know me the best and love me the most. No matter where we are, being with my family feels like home.’ ‘I miss those days when my family was all lived under the same roof.’

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Missing My Family Back Home Quotes

‘I miss my family back home more and more with each passing day.’ ‘The hardest part of seeing your family back home is knowing how much you are going to miss them when you leave.’

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Missing My Family Message

‘To my family, just in case you didn’t know…I am really missing you.’ ‘To my family, I miss you! Even though I may be far away, just know that no matter what happens in life, if you ever need me, I’ll be there.’ ‘I may be missing my family, but I will hold them in my heart until I can hold them in my arms.’

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Missing My Family Message

‘To my family, I miss all the laughs we have when we are together.’ ‘It’s funny how you can miss your family, even though you just saw them.’ ‘I can’t wait to see my family again. My heart feels alone when they are not beside me.’ ‘To my family, I’m missing you big time. Can’t wait to see you!’

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I Miss My Family So Much Quotes

‘I miss my family so much. Every single moment of every single day.’ ‘I just want to be with my family. I miss them so much.’ ‘I’m missing my family so much right now. I wish with all my heart I could be there with them.’ ‘I miss my family so much. We may have all gone in our separate directions, but our roots remain the same.’

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I Miss My Family So Much Quotes

‘I am jealous of the people that get to see my family members every day. I miss them so much!’ ‘Sometimes when I think of my family, tears sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks. I miss them so much.’ ‘The greatest gift in life I ever received was my family. I miss them so much.’