Fun Summer Activities for Your Kids

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Bike rides

Take your kids out for a fun bike ride, either near your house, or if the kids are older, take them on a bike trail. Since it’s a hot summer day, make sure to bring water!

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Make ice cream

There isn’t a kid (or parent) in the world who would refuse ice cream on a hot summer day.  This is a great kids activity in which parents can easily monitor. Here’s a great guide on creating your very own vanilla ice cream.

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Meet friends at the local playground

Call up your friends and let the kids hang out together at a local playground, where they can play on swingsets, merry go rounds, and more.

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Have a picnic at a local or state park

Getting kids together for a picnic at a local or state park can be a fun group activity. Just make sure to find some shade!

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Sidewalk chalk murals

Get some fun colored chalk for your kids and you can create some really fun chalk murals and designs.

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Backyard camping

Your kids may be too small to go camping at a campsite or park, but why not start in the backyard?

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Backyard stargazing

Put out a few blankets and lie down in your backyard, and gaze upon the stars. Show your kids how to locate Orion’s Belt and many other stars.

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Check out the local county fair

Most major cities will have some sort of carnival or county fair which will definitely delight your kids.

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Kids science experiments

If your kids want to stay indoors, no problem – increase their brain power and curiosity with these awesome fun and easy science experiments for kids!

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Local tennis camp

Tennis is one of those sports that most kids don’t get to play during the school year. But your town likely has a fun kids tennis camp that your kid can enjoy.

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Make a kaleidoscope

This would be fun to do if it happens to rain, or even if you want something different to do with your kids! 

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Sidewalk foam paint

There are other creative ways to write on your sidewalk! You and your kids can make some perfectly harmless foam paint. 

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Water balloon baseball

Sometimes, combining two summer activities can make for an exciting way to play outside. Just take a whiffle ball bat and fill up some water balloons. Now, you can play baseball with a splash!

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DIY bird feeder

This kid friendly bird feeder takes toilet paper rolls spread with peanut butter and rolled in bird seed. After hanging it on a branch, your kids can watch as the birds come get something to eat!

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Homemade Playdough

This can be done in less than 10 minutes and is very easy to make.

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Visit your local library

The library has more than just books for children. Many of them have other activities and toys designed for each age. They also offer audiobooks and educational computer games!

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Build a fort or tent

Take an afternoon and push your couches close together. Drape them with blankets or sheets and eat a snack or play a game under your fort or tent!

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Play hide and seek in the dark

Mix up plain old hide and seek with hide and seek in the dark! Black out your windows and prep areas that may be hazardous. It certainly makes for great entertainment!

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Make milk carton boats

Take an old milk carton and shape it in the fashion of a boat. You can even paint it and stick a toothpick in it with a taped flag! Test it out by putting it in water in the sink or bath. Does it float? If not, your kids can brainstorm on how to fix it.

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Do a puzzle together

When searching for the right puzzle, look for the correct age group. There are specific difficulty levels out there! It can be a wonderful time to bond with your kids and work together to solve a puzzle.