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I Love You Quotes For Her

‘When she says, ‘I love you’, I wonder if she has any idea that I love her a billion times more.’ ‘Some say you only fall in love once. But I don’t believe it. Because every time I see her, I fall in love all over again.’ ‘You’re the reason I laugh, the reason I smile and the reason why I want to get up every morning. I love you with all that I am!’

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I Love You Quotes For Her

‘I love you, not only for who you are but for who I am when I am with you.’ ‘You’re the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much.’ ‘I will love you until the day after forever.’ ‘When I tell you I love you, I don’t say it out of habit or to make conversation. I say it to remind you that you are the

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I Love You Quotes For Her

best thing that has ever happened to me.’ ‘I am constantly falling deeper in love with you.’ ‘I am in love with your smile, your eyes, your laugh, your body. But most of all, I am deeply, undeniably in love with you.’ ‘I just want to spend my life loving you and making you happy.’

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Cute Love Quotes For Her

‘My heart is forever yours.’ ‘You are my best friend, my smile, my heart, my soul mate, my everything.’ ‘You mean more to me than you’ll ever know.’ ‘Take my hand, my heart, and my soul because they have always been meant for you.’ ‘My heart has been waiting for you.’

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Cute Love Quotes For Her

‘You’re always on my mind and forever in my heart.’ ‘All the love songs my heart sings are about you.’ ‘One day, I caught myself smiling without any reason, then I realized I was thinking of you.’ ‘I am totally, completely, eye-popping, seriously, ground-breaking, passionately, insanely in love with you.’

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Cute Love Quotes For Her

‘I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes. And I couldn’t be happier.’ ‘Sometimes, all the time, I just look at you and wonder how I got so lucky.’ ‘There isn’t one person in the world that I want more than I want you.’ ‘Thank you for taking a chance on me. I don’t deserve your love, but I’ll 

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Cute Love Quotes For Her

make sure I do everything I can to keep it.’

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Sweet Love Quotes For Her

‘I never knew how much my heart could love until I met you.’ ‘You are my heart, my soul, and my everything.’ ‘Loving you is a wonderful way to spend a lifetime.’ ‘I am the happiest I have ever been, and you’re the reason why.’

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Sweet Love Quotes For Her

‘I have never been more sure of anything as I am about my love for you.’ ‘Your beauty captured my attention, but your personality stole my heart.’ ‘You are my heart’s favorite person.’ ‘I can’t help but smile when I see you.’

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Sweet Love Quotes For Her

‘You are all the thoughts in my head and all the love in my heart.’ ‘I just want to see you. Hold you. Hug you. Touch you. Kiss you. Cuddle with you. Love you.’ ‘Since the moment I met you, I haven’t thought about anyone else.’ ‘I am madly, deeply in love with you!’

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Sweet Love Quotes For Her

‘You are perfect in every way. I love you!’ ‘I could tell you a thousand words reasons why I love you so much, but then it still would not be enough.’ ‘You inspire me to be the best version of myself.’ ‘I love you with all my heart. Forever and always.’

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Love Messages For Her

‘I didn’t fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way.  I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things we’d choose anyway. And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.’

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Love Messages For Her

‘I loved you yesterday, I love you still, always have, always will.’ – Elaine Davis ‘I love you for who you are on the inside…all that sexy on the outside is just a bonus.’ ‘I don’t ever want to know what it is like to live without you.’ ‘I’m never ever giving you up, I’m never ever leaving you. Instead, I’ll forever and ever love and cherish you.’

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Love Messages For Her

‘When I say, ‘I love you’, that doesn’t mean I am here just for the pretty parts. It means I am here no matter what.’ ‘Loving you is a feeling so incredible I can’t explain it with words.’ ‘If my life were a love story, it would be all about you.’ ‘I like it when you smile, but I love it when I’m the reason why.’

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Love Messages For Her

‘I have fallen in love many times in my life…But it’s always been with you.’ ‘Even if I spend the whole day with you, I miss you the second you leave.’ ‘I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times, in life after life, in age after age forever.’ – Rabindranath Tagore

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Love Words For Her

‘I knew right at the first moment I saw you I would be loving you forever.’ ‘My love for you is immeasurable.’ ‘Happiness is being with you.’ ‘The way you make me feel is hard to explain with words. But I can say this, you make my heart smile like no one else.’

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Love Words For Her

‘I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride.’ – Pablo Neruda ‘You’re that ‘once in a lifetime’ dream come true.’ ‘I promise to make you feel wanted, loved, and needed every single day.’ ‘You may not have all the things you want in life, but 

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Love Words For Her

you have my heart and my soul.’ ‘I am so in love with every little thing about you.’ ‘I will always love you.’ ‘In case you didn’t know this already, I love you.’ ‘I love you so much. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what my life would look like without you in it.’