Broken Family Quotes for Healing & Encouragement

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Broken Family Quotes for Healing

1. "Letting go hurts, but it's part of the healing process." 2. "Mending a broken heart only demonstrates how powerful love truly is." 3. "Breaking up is hard to do, but staying in a toxic relationship is much harder." 4. "It may not be the life you envisioned, but you'll survive this heartache and grow stronger for it." 5. "Life is upside down right now, but eventually it will bob back upright, and you'll be okay."

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Broken Family Quotes for Healing

6. "Yesterday your heart broke, but today, hope came in with a big tube of super glue." 7. "It takes strength to recognize you deserve a better partner in life." 8. "Sometimes when something breaks it better not to mend it." 9. "You don't owe others an explanation for leaving a relationship." 10. "Faith isn't just for difficult times, but it sure helps to have it."

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Broken Family Quotes for Healing

11. "When life takes a nosedive, hold your nose and take a deep breath." 12. "When your old life falls apart, forget picking up the pieces! Create something new." 13. "Your heart was in a wreck, but it's now in recovery." 14. "The prognosis for your recovery is upgraded from fair to excellent." 15. "For some people, attitude adjustment means eyes now wide open."

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Broken Family Quotes for Healing

16. "Faith isn't just for difficult times, but it sure helps to have it." 17. "When life takes a nosedive, hold your nose and take a deep breath." 18. "When your old life falls apart, forget picking up the pieces! Create something new." 19. "Your heart was in a wreck, but it's now in recovery." 20. "The prognosis for your recovery is upgraded from fair to excellent."

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Philosophical Broken Family Quotes

1. "You can lean on me whenever you need." 2. "I'm not going anywhere without you. We're sticking together." 3. "Nothing can pry me away from this family." 4. "We have each other and that is everything." 5. "Just keep looking ahead and you'll realize the future looks good." 6. "It doesn't take a lot of effort to find happiness." 7. "We don't do sad anymore,  

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Philosophical Broken Family Quotes

only happy and pleasantly surprised." 8. "Change is a sign you're growing." 9. "Not everyone gets the chance to reinvent themselves." 10. "What seemed tragic then is a blessing now." 11. "Dodging that bullet made me sad, then I realized I'd dodged a bullet!" 12. "Relationships are living things, and some have short lifespans, while others have 

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Philosophical Broken Family Quotes

long ones. Guess this one was a shortie and not a longie." 13. "Crying is normal, and stopping is even more normal." 14. "You can shed tears and follow by shedding your old life." 15. "It might not be sunshine and rainbows right now, but it will be - soon." 16. "You deserve to be appreciated, so don't compromise."

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Philosophical Broken Family Quotes

17. "When you're truly loved, you know it." 18. "Not everyone gets a second chance at happiness. Use it well!" 19. "Advice from someone who hasn't gone through the same thing is worthless." 20. "Time creeps by when you're in pain, but the moment you're happy, it starts to fly again along with your spirit."

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Surviving the Heartache of a Broken Family

1. "A torn family can knit back together with a little love." 2. "Holding a family together in the wake if a breakup requires tenacity and a lot of love." 3. "Today, this family is stronger than yesterday." 4. "We always have each other and that's a lot of love!" 5. "As long as we lean on each other, we'll be okay." 6. "Nothing can rip this family apart; We're glued together with love."

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Surviving the Heartache of a Broken Family

7. "Strength comes from family when we support each other." 8. "Family means we'll get through this together." 9. "Never doubt that you're a vital part of this family." 10. "Don't forget to keep dreaming; It leads to the future."