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Quotes About Childhood Friendship

‘There are no friends like the friends of your childhood.’ ‘Childhood friendships are timeless treasures of the heart.’ ‘Childhood friendship is the most beautiful memory that can never be replaced.’ ‘The friendships you make in your childhood are the ones that you will miss the most when you are an adult.’

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Quotes About Childhood Friendship

‘There’s something about childhood friends that you just can’t replace.’ – Lisa Welchel ‘Childhood friends give us the courage to discover who we are.’ ‘Happiness is being still friends with someone from your childhood.’ ‘Lucky are those that have a friendship that starts in 

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Quotes About Childhood Friendship

childhood and follows them throughout their life.’ ‘You don’t have to have anything in common with your childhood friends; you’ve got your whole life in common.’

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Childhood Friends Quotes

‘Childhood friends are a gift that lasts a lifetime.’ ‘There is nothing better than a friend unless you’ve known that friend since childhood.’ ‘Having good childhood friends is incredible, but still being friends when your adults, that’s magical.’ ‘Childhood friends are the benchmark of our lives, no matter where we go, what 

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Childhood Friends Quotes

we do. They will always come by and take you to the place where you belong.’ – Burhan Din Wani ‘The friends we make as kids may come and go, but the best ones stick with you as you grow.’ ‘There’s no friend like someone who has known you since you were five.’ – Anne Stevenson.

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Childhood Friends Quotes

‘Childhood friends may grow apart, but that doesn’t change the fact that they grew up side by side.’ ‘To my childhood friends, I miss all the laughs we used to have.’ ‘Friends you’ve had since childhood, are proof that loyalty really does exist.’ ‘Happiness is catching up with a childhood friend you 

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Childhood Friends Quotes

haven’t seen for ages and feeling like nothing has changed.’ ‘Not everyone can say they are still friends with someone from their childhood, but I am glad we can.’ ‘Great childhood friends just pick up where they left off.’ ‘Reconnecting with an old childhood friend is like finding a lost treasure.’

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Childhood Friendship Quotes

Happiness is reconnecting with a lost childhood friend.’ ‘Childhood friends aren’t just friends they’re family.’ ‘Sometimes the best friendships start in childhood.’ ‘As the years roll on, I am so grateful my childhood friendships stay strong.’ ‘Good childhood friendships are hard to find, difficult to 

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Childhood Friendship Quotes

leave, and impossible to forget.’ ‘As childhood friends, our paths may change as life goes along, but the bond between us will remain forever.’ ‘I am so grateful for all my childhood friendships and all the little ways they helped shape me into the person I am today.’

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Childhood Friendship Quotes

‘I had the most incredible friend when I was growing up and I am so grateful they are still in my life now we are grown.’ ‘We met as kids and grew as friends, I hope our long friendship never ends.’ ‘Through all the giggles and all the tears, I am so glad that we have remained childhood friends throughout all these years.’

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Childhood Friendship Quotes

‘Childhood friends are those friends that you may not see very often, but the moment you do it feels like yesterday.’ ‘It can be one of the hardest things in life to lose your childhood friend.’

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Childhood Friends Memories Quotes

‘Childhood friends are the sweetest memories of the past.’ ‘There is nothing quite as treasured as the memories we make with our childhood friends.’ ‘Your childhood friendships may have passed go but the memories you made together are forever.’ ‘Childhood friends will take different paths and life may 

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Childhood Friends Memories Quotes

separate them, but they will forever be bonded by the childhood memories they share.’ ‘Childhood friendships are a vault of childhood memories and nostalgia that cannot be easily deleted.’ ‘I love it when we get together as childhood friends…You can say one word, and everyone cracks up.’

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Childhood Friends Memories Quotes

‘You never forget the childhood friends you grew up with.’ ‘Childhood is full of memories you’ll always remember with friends you’ll never forget.’

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Childhood Best Friend Quotes

‘Nothing is as nostalgic as remembering your shared childhood memories with your best friend.’ ‘Happiness is looking back at old childhood photos of you and your best friend.’ ‘I am so grateful to have had you as my best friend since childhood.’ ‘Everyone has a ‘best friend’ during each stage of life,

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Childhood Best Friend Quotes

but only lucky ones have the same one since childhood.’ ‘Happiness is following your childhood dreams with your bestie by your side.’ ‘No one knows you quite as well as your best friend that you’ve known since childhood.’ ‘A best friend like you, that I’ve known since childhood, is a wonderful gift. There 

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Childhood Best Friend Quotes

have been at least a thousand times when I have thanked God for you.’ ‘I can’t believe we have been best friends since childhood!’ ‘Our childhood may have brought us together, but we chose to be best friends.’