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Inspirational Mother And Daughter Quotes

‘You will teach them to fly, but they will not fly your flight. You will teach them to dream, but they will not dream your dream. You will teach them to live, but they will not live your life. Nevertheless, in every flight, in every life, in every dream, the print of the way you taught them will remain.’ – Mother Teresa ‘She is baby today, tomorrow, and always. I don’t care if

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Inspirational Mother And Daughter Quotes

she is 1 or 50, I will defend her and protect her with my life.’ ‘A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart.’ ‘If you ever feel like giving up, just remember there is a little girl watching who wants to be just like you…Don’t disappoint her.’ ‘Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, 

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Inspirational Mother And Daughter Quotes

toughness, heart, talent, guts. That’s what little girls are made of.’ – Bethany Hamilton ‘Teach your daughters to worry less about fitting into glass slippers and more about shattering glass ceilings.’

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Touching Mother-Daughter Quotes

‘You are braver than you believe, stronger that you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you’ll ever know.’ ‘To my daughter, If you need me, call me. I don’t care if I’m sleeping, if I’m having my own problems or if I’m angry at you. If you need me and if you need to talk to me, I’ll always be there for you, no matter how big or how small your problem is, I’ll be there!’

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Touching Mother-Daughter Quotes

‘My highest hope for her is just that she has the fearlessness to always be her authentic self, no matter what she thinks men want her to be.’ – Channing Tatum ‘To my daughter. Never forget that I love you. Life is filled with hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can. Be the woman I know you can be.’ ‘I want my daughter to know she is beautiful, but I also 

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Touching Mother-Daughter Quotes

want her to know she is strong, smart, and capable.’ ‘You are my angel, you remind me of the goodness in this world and inspire me to be the greatest version of myself.’ – Steve Maraboli ‘Dear daughter, You’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. And everyone’s not going to be yours. And that is totally okay. Just be kind.’

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Touching Mother-Daughter Quotes

‘If I could give my daughter 3 things, it would be the confidence to always know her self worth, the strength to chase her dreams, and the ability to know how truly, deeply loved she is.’

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Short Mother Daughter Quotes

‘As for my girls, I’ll raise them to think they breathe fire.’ ‘I asked God for a life full of love and happiness. He sent me my family.’ ‘And though she be but little, she is fierce.’ – Shakespheare ‘She is my daughter, my sun, moon, and all of my stars.’ ‘A daughter is someone you 

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Short Mother Daughter Quotes

laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart.’ ‘Let her sleep for when she wakes she will move mountains.’ ‘A mother is a daughter’s best friend.’ ‘I asked God for a best friend so He sent me my daughter.’

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Quotes From A Daughter To A Mother

‘I like it when my mother smiles. And I especially like it when I make her smile.’ – Adriana Trigiani ‘I cannot forget my mother. She is my bridge. When I needed to get across, she steadied herself long enough for me to run across safely.’ – Renita Weems ‘There were times when…I didn’t have a lot of friends. But my mom was always my friend. Always.’ – Taylor Swift

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Quotes From A Daughter To A Mother

‘My mom taught me a woman’s mind should be the most beautiful part of her.’ – Sonya Teclai ‘My mother: She is beautiful, softened at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. I want to grow old and be like her.’ – Jodi Picoult ‘I am strong because a strong woman raised me.’

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Quotes From A Daughter To A Mother

‘My mom is a strong-willed lady. She taught me to believe in myself no matter what anybody else said.’ – Tracey Edmonds ‘I love my mom, no matter what we go through, and no matter who much we argue as mother and daughter, I know in the end, she’ll always be there for me.’ ‘A mother’s treasure is her daughter.’

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Quotes From A Daughter To A Mother

‘I don’t want my daughter to follow in my footsteps. I want her to take the path next to me and go further than I could have ever dreamt possible.’ ‘A mother teaches her daughter how to feel about herself, about handling pressure, about relishing life’s joys and conquering fears.’ – Melissa Harrison ‘From the moment my daughter was placed into

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Quotes From A Daughter To A Mother

my arms, she snuggled right into my heart.’ ‘A mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteem.’ – Naomi Wolf ‘I love you for the little girl that you once were, for the amazing woman you are today, and for the precious daughter you will always be.’