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Grandson Quotes

‘I adore his smile, I cherish his hugs, I admire his heart, but more of all…I love that he is my grandson.’ ‘Grandsons are loving reminders of what we are really here for.’ ‘One of the best things in life is when you hug your grandson, and he hugs you back even tighter.’ ‘Happiness is spending time with your grandson.’

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Grandson Quotes

‘My grandson has made my world a little kinder, a little softer, and a whole lot brighter.’ ‘A grandson is a precious gift from above, for us to treasure and love. How blessed we are to have you here, forever in our hearts we hold you dear.’ ‘To my grandson. Never forget that I love you. Life is filled with hard times and 

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Grandson Quotes

good times. Learn from everything you can. Be the man I know you can be.’ ‘Grandsons are called ‘grand’ for a reason.’

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Sayings About Grandson

‘Heaven on earth is spending time with my grandson.’ ‘Grandsons are like flowers; you never get tired of watching them grow.’ ‘A grandson is a gift from above.’ ‘My life is better because of my grandson.’ ‘I am so blessed to have you as a grandson.’

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Sayings About Grandson

‘The highlight of my day is seeing my grandson laugh and smile.’ ‘I may not be rich and famous, but my grandson is priceless.’ ‘Happiness is when you grandson comes and hugs you just because.’

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Grandson And Grandma Quotes

‘A grandmother is always proud of her grandson, not because he has achieved something, but because he is her grandson.’ ‘The love between a grandma and her grandson is unbreakable.’ ‘My grandson may not have everything he wants in this world, but he has a grandma that loves him more than anything in this world.’

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Grandson And Grandma Quotes

‘So, there’s a boy. He stole my heart. He calls me ‘Grandma’.’ ‘My dear grandson, always remember how much I love you. As you grow older, you will face many obstacles in life. Stay strong, be confident, and just do your best. Should there be a time I’m no longer with you, just know that I believe in you. You were and always will be the best thing that ever happened to me. Love your grandma.’

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Quotes About Grandfathers And Grandsons

‘The love between a grandfather and his grandson is forever.’ ‘Of all the titles I have been privileged to have, ‘Grandpa’ has always been the best.’ ‘A grandpa holds his grandson’s hand for a while and their heart for a lifetime.’ ‘A new grandson is a reminder of how wonderful life truly is.’

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I Love My Grandson Quotes

‘I may not see my grandson every day, but I think of him and love him every day.’ ‘My grandson is special, unique, kind, brave, and forever loved.’ ‘I love my grandson with all of my heart.’ ‘I love my grandson not only for who he is, but for who I am with him.’

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I Love My Grandson Quotes

‘The best part of my day is seeing my grandson and the hardest part is saying goodbye.’ ‘A grandson’s love is forever and always.’

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Newborn Grandson Quotes

‘First, he was a dream in our hearts, now my grandson is a miracle to hold in my arms.’ ‘As I grew older, I thought the best part of my life was over…Then I held my grandson for the first time and realized the best part of my life had just begun.’ ‘Few days in my life have been greater than the one I first met my grandson.’

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Newborn Grandson Quotes

‘Happiness is meeting your grandson for the very first time.’