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Children Love Quotes

‘I’ve never loved anybody the way I love my children.’ ‘My greatest wish is that my kids always know how much I love them, and that they walk through the rest of their life knowing I’ll always be there for them anyway I can.’ – Unknown ‘I love my children beyond all reason. They’re my joy, even when they’re wild with kid energy.’ – Christopher Meloni ‘Butterflies have wings, so they can fly. Fish have gills, 

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Children Love Quotes

so they can swim. Bunnies have four legs, so they can run. I have a heart, so I can love you.’ – Unknown ‘Children need at least one person in their life that thinks the sun rises and sets on them, who delights in their existence, and loves them unconditionally.’ – Pamela Leo

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Love Quotes For A Child

‘To my child: I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.’ ‘No one prepared me for just how much love I would have for my child.’ ‘The greatest gift I can give to my children is my time, my love, and my attention.’ ‘A child may outgrow your lap, but they will never outgrow your heart.’ ‘If I could give my child three things, it would be the confidence to always know 

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Love Quotes For A Child

their self-worth, the strength to follow their dreams, and the ability to know how truly, deeply loved they are.’ ‘No matter what, I want my children to know they were wished for, longed for, prayed for, and that they are forever loved.’

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Love My Child Quotes

‘A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world.’ – Agatha Christie ‘And she loved a little boy very much, even more than she loved herself.’ – Shel Silverstein ‘I love and adore being a mother. It is the greatest gift I have ever been given.’ – Uma Thurman ‘I will be your biggest fan. I will be your protector. I will always defend you. I will be your friend. I will be your 

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Love My Child Quotes

confidant. I will always be proud of you. I will love you unconditionally, because always and forever I will be your mama.’ ‘Becoming a mama was the best decision I ever made.’

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Quotes About Loving Your Kids

‘Until one becomes a mother, no one can ever tell you what it feel like to love someone so deeply and profoundly that you will rejoice when they rejoice, ache when they ache, feel what they feel, even without speaking a word.’ – Jennifer Quinn ‘My child may not have everything they want in this world, but that have a mama that loves them more than anything in the world.’ ‘When my child says, ‘I love 

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Quotes About Loving Your Kids

you Mummy’, I wonder if they have any idea that I love them a billion times more.’ ‘My child will never have to wonder where to go for a hug, love, or support. Their mama will always be there for them no matter how old they are.’ ‘A mother’s love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking.’ — Helen Rice ‘Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human 

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Quotes About Loving Your Kids

being to do the impossible.’ — Marion C. Garretty

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Having Children Quotes

‘Before I had my child, I thought I knew all the boundaries of myself, that I understood the limits of my heart. It’s extraordinary to have all those limits thrown out, to realize your love is inexhaustible.’ – Uma Thurman ‘In my life, you are the sun that never fades and the moon that never wanes. Shine on, my child.’ – Unknown ‘I’ve carried a child within my 

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Having Children Quotes

body. I’ve slept with them on my chest. I’ve kissed toes, wiped away tears, and spent sleepless nights cradling my child. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. There is no greater honor, love or blessing.’ ‘Do you ever look at your child and just smile? Not because your child did something amazing, just smiling because you know how blessed you really are.’ ‘Raising my kids is my 

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Having Children Quotes

choice. Sometimes I give up things or go without for them. I don’t regret it. My life is and always will be for my children no matter how big they get. They haven’t ruined my life; they have given me a whole new view on the meaning of life. I couldn’t love them more than I already do.’ ‘Until one becomes a mother, no one can ever tell you what it feel like to love someone so deeply and profoundly 

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Having Children Quotes

that you will rejoice when they rejoice, ache when they ache, feel what they feel, even without speaking a word.’ – Jennifer Quinn