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Searching for some inspirational quotes for new parents to celebrate and encourage the new parents in your life? Or maybe you’re a new parent looking for inspiration as your start your parenting journey with your new baby? Then let these words of wisdom for new parents inspire you!

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Becoming a new parent is one of the most pivotal moments in a person’s life. It changes everything, including you. And although parenting isn’t always easy there is also nothing in this world that can bring as much joy, love, and fulfilment to your life.

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So, as you enjoy your new life with your new baby, let these new parents quotes put into words all those first-time parent feelings. Here you’ll find the best quotes on new parents, becoming parents quotes, new parents to be quotes, quotes about new parents, advice for new parents quotes, quotes for expecting parents, and more!

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And if you love these quotes to new parents make sure you also check out these proud parents quotes, pregnancy quotes, and quotes about parents.

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Best Quotes For New Parents

‘Being new parents just puts your whole world into perspective. Everything else just disappears.’

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Words Of Wisdom For New Parents

‘As new parents, trust yourselves. You know more than you think you do.’ ‘As new parents, we often strive for perfection. But the truth is, there are no perfect parents, so just be the very best parents you can be.’

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Words Of Wisdom For New Parents

‘Time with your kids is precious, don’t take it for granted.’ ‘As a new parent, you won’t be perfect. You will make mistakes. You will forget things. You will lose your cool. And some days you will even go a little crazy. But, it’s okay, because, in the end, no one could ever love your child the way you do.’

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Words Of Wisdom For New Parents

‘Being new parents is really hard. At times you are going to be exhausted, stressed, feeling overwhelmed, but remember you are in this together. There is a strength in your relationship that is greater than any storm.’ ‘Never forget, the family you come from is important, but the family you create is your number one priority.’

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Words Of Wisdom For New Parents

‘As new parents, you will be overwhelmed, you will be exhausted, you will disagree, and you will even shed some tears, but remember you are a team.  Ask for help when you need it. Be each other’s rock. Support and love each other through the hard days. It won’t be like this forever and when you reach the other side it will all be all worth it.’

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First Time Parents Quotes

‘The most magical day of my life was the day I became a parent.’ ‘You never realize just how much love your parents had for you until you become a parent yourself.’ ‘The day you become a parent for the first time is one of the most pivotal moments in a person’s life. There will never be another day like it.’

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First Time Parents Quotes

‘The best part of being new parents is that together you now have a precious child to love for the rest of your lives.’ ‘As new parents, no one can ever prepare you for just how much love you will have for your children.’ ‘A baby will change everything. Your relationship, your priorities, your heart.’

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First Time Parents Quotes

‘When you become parents, you create your own little world filled with love.’ ‘As new parents, there will be plenty of time that your baby will surprise you with all the things they can do, but you are also going to surprise yourselves. There are going to be things as parents you never thought you were capable of for the sake of your little baby.’

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Quotes On New Parents

‘A child gives their parents a reason for living.’ ‘As new parents, the days may be long, but the years are short. You’ll never look back and wish you held your baby less.’ ‘New parents never tire of looking at their precious baby.’

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Quotes On New Parents

‘A baby fills new parents lives with love, wonder, and endless possibilities.’ ‘From the moment you became parents, your purpose is to love and protect your children with everything you have.’ ‘As a new parent, all of life’s battles suddenly seem worth fighting for.’

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Quotes On New Parents

‘Being new parents is hard. Some days you will feel like you can do it all and some days you will struggle to even get out of bed. But what matters is that you still show up and that you love them with all that is within you. That is what being parents is all about.’ ‘A baby is all a new parent’s dreams come true.’

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Becoming Parents Quotes

‘The amazing thing about becoming a parent is that you will never again be your own first priority.’ – Olivia Wilde ‘Becoming new parents is like embarking on a great big adventure without a map or destination. You don’t really know how to navigate things or where you are going, but you also know it is going to be the best thing that you have ever done in your life.’

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Becoming Parents Quotes

‘Becoming parents has made us so tired. And so very happy.’ ‘Ten little fingers, ten perfect toes, a baby fills new parents’ hearts with love that overflows.’ ‘The most exciting part of becoming new parents is that you know this is just the beginning.’

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Becoming Parents Quotes

‘There is no greater joy for new parents than meeting their baby for the very first time.’ ‘Happiness is becoming parents.’

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Parents To Be Quotes

‘As parents to be, you realize all those months, days, and hours wishing, dreaming, and praying for your baby were all worth it when you hold your whole world in your arms for the very first time.’ ‘The hardest part about being parents to be is waiting for the day you get to meet your little miracle.’

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Parents To Be Quotes

‘Being parents to be means another day closer to meeting your reason to live.’ ‘A baby is a gift you never knew you needed.’ ‘Whether your pregnancy was meticulously planned, medically coaxed, or happened by surprise, one thing is certain, as parents to be, your life will never be the same again.’

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Quotes About New Parents

‘Sometimes the strength of new parents is greater than natural laws.’ ‘When new parents look at their baby, they are constantly reminded of how much love there is in their lives. ‘As new parents, isn’t it an incredible feeling, knowing that your baby is here because of the love you share.’

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Quotes About New Parents

‘As new parents, it is an incredible moment holding your baby for the first time, knowing that this is just the start of all the incredible moments you are going to share together as a family.’ ‘When you become new parents, everything you do in life becomes about your little family.’

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Quotes About New Parents

‘A baby is a little bit of heaven given to new parents to cherish.’ ‘New parents have no idea about the lifetime of love and happiness that awaits them.’ ‘A baby changes new parents lives in the best way possible.’

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Advice For New Parents Quotes

‘As new parents, you will want to give your little baby everything, but that might not always be possible. However, what you can give them is your unconditional love, plenty of hugs and kisses, and a happy home.’ ‘You might be new parents, but never forget you are the parents.’

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Advice For New Parents Quotes

‘To the new parents, don’t forget to be kind to yourselves and to each other. You are both new to this.  You will both have moments of insecurity and overwhelm. So, talk to each other, be supportive, be proud of your partner and encourage them. There is no one way to parent so learn and guide each other so you can both be the very best parents you can be.’

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Advice For New Parents Quotes

‘To the new parents, there is no shame in asking for help.’ ‘As new parents be patient with each other. You can either be angry and frustrated at each other while exhausted, or you can just be tired. It is a whole lot easier to just be tired and know it will get better.’

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Advice For New Parents Quotes

‘To the new parents, you only get one shot to raise your baby, so give it everything you’ve got.’

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Final Thoughts On First Time Parent Quotes

There is nothing as magical as becoming a new parent! We hope these the day I became a parent quotes and parent baby quotes have put into words all those new parent feels!

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Final Thoughts On First Time Parent Quotes

And if you’re looking for more great quotes, then check out these guides on new mom quotes, inspirational parenting quotes, sweet new baby quotes, and baby love quotes.