5 Halloween Party Games For All The Family

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5 Halloween Party Games For All The Family

Halloween is such a fun time for all the family to dress up, act a little silly and play some great games that remind us of our own childhoods. We have come up with the 5 top games we played in our households as kids, which are great fun after you've been out 'trick or treating', or just as part of the whole celebration.

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1. Bobbing for apples

This is the best game of all that everyone knows of, and if you don't you must try it! Nothing says Halloween more than your scary makeup looking even more frightful while it runs down your face and your hair clings to your head for dear life. Fill up a wide basin with water and place in a number of apples and ensure they are bobbing.

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1. Bobbing for apples

With adult supervision, each child and adult places their hands behind their backs and leans over the basin to try and bite an apple and remove it from the basin with their teeth. 

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1. Bobbing for apples

Whoever bites and removes the most apples is the winner! The determination of each participant to bite an apple will have you all screaming with laughter...but make sure you have a couple of towels ready!

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2. Mummy Wrap

The only time your children will be encouraged to use all the toilet roll at once is in the race against time, Mummy Wrap game. One adult must volunteer to be the Mummy and stand in a spacious area. Two participants are handed a roll of toilet paper each and at the same time must start to wrap a designated side of the volunteer.

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2. Mummy Wrap

Whoever wraps their side of the mummy first is the winner!  This can also be done with two separate mummies if you prefer.

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3. Pin the tail on the witch's cat

This is the exact same as pin the tail on the donkey, just without the donkey! So each person takes a turn with a blindfold on and tail in hand.  They are spun around three times to disorientate them (make sure there is a big space with nothing to bang off) and then they need to try find the cat and pin the tail in the right spot. The closest to where the tail should be, wins!

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4. Pass the guts

What kids don't love the word guts?  The gorier the better! You will need a bucket, or even better a hollowed pumpkin, and some cooked spaghetti with red sauce. Mix in some wrapped sweets or coins.

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4. Pass the guts

Play like pass the parcel where the pumpkin is passed from child to child. When the music stops the child holding the pumpkin must put their hand into the intestines to claim a prize.  Don't forget to have paper towels or wet wipes at the ready for this game!

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5. Surprise!

This game is a favourite, but does require a bit of planning.  You will need three boxes/lunch boxes. One box will have jelly for brains, another will have hard boiled eggs for eyes and the last will have spaghetti for worms.

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5. Surprise!

Wrapped prizes are added to each box. The participant must be blindfolded when they dip their hand in and try find their prize! If you take your hand out it's onto the next person!