41 Learning Quotes for Kids to Get Them Excited & Motivated

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Inspiring Learning Quotes for Kids 

These quotes can motivate kids as they take on the world. Show them that they are amazing learners who can use their education to change the world! – Ask yourself: What will you learn today? Answer yourself: Something great.

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Inspiring Learning Quotes for Kids 

– If you have learned one single thing today, then you have done an amazing service for yourself. – The world is yours for the taking. Spend your days learning all that you can so you can grow up and make life the best it can be. – Your mind is a tool that creates your life through learning.

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Inspiring Learning Quotes for Kids 

– Believe you are capable of learning and let confidence guide you. – You learn differently than everyone else on the planet, meaning you have something special that only you can offer the world. – A love of learning is a seed that, when planted in a child, grows a forest of knowledge

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Inspiring Learning Quotes for Kids 

– Believe you are capable of learning and let confidence guide you. – You learn differently than everyone else on the planet, meaning you have something special that only you can offer the world. – A love of learning is a seed that, when planted in a child, grows a forest of knowledge

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Inspiring Learning Quotes for Kids 

– Teaching a lesson lasts but a minute. Instilling a love of learning lasts forever. – Learning is a gift, not a chore. It is something you can carry with you always, no matter where you go. – Wake up each day and say to yourself: Today I choose to learn something.

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Famous Learning Quotes for Young Students

Remind kids that knowledge is power with a few famous quotes on learning.  These words are packed with truth and inspiration, perfect for kids at any stage of learning. – "Teaching is not about answering questions but about raising questions - opening doors for them in places that they could not imagine." - Mirza Yawar Baig

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Famous Learning Quotes for Young Students

– "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats – "If we want our children to move mountains, we first have to let them get out of their chairs." - Nicolette Sowder – "Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere." - Chinese Proverb

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Famous Learning Quotes for Young Students

– "The important thing is not to stop questioning." - Albert Einstein – ʺHe who opens a school door, closes a prison.ʺ - Victor Hugo – "Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference." - Claire Fagan

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Famous Learning Quotes for Young Students

– "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela – "Never stop learning and never stop thinking and asking, 'Why not?'" - Steven Levi – "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan

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Motivating Quotes About Learning

As kids grow and learn, they will undoubtedly hit a few discouraging bumps in the road.  Lift them up and get them back on the path to learning with these motivational learning quotes. – Learning slowly and learning differently is still learning.

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Motivating Quotes About Learning

– So much of learning in life takes place beyond school walls. – If you feel like a failure, remember, every day provides new opportunities to learn. You always have another try. – Learning is an ongoing process. You are never perfect at it. It is supposed to be something you work on.

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Motivating Quotes About Learning

– A "can do" attitude goes a long way in learning. – It is okay to feel frustrated and discouraged. Those emotions are fuel for future fires that ignite a love of learning. – If you fail to learn something 99 times, the 100th just might be the charm.

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Motivating Quotes About Learning

– Remember, you can do hard things. – If you make a mistake, learn from it, and know that it served a great purpose. – Don't let learning overwhelm you. Put one foot in front of the other and take things one question at a time.

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Quotes to Encourage a Love of Learning in Kids

Inspire the youth of today to keep asking questions, keep looking for answers and keep learning all that they can.  Little learners grow up and become just what the world needs. – A world full of little learners today means a universe packed with brilliant minds tomorrow.

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Quotes to Encourage a Love of Learning in Kids

– Think about what you love, what drives you, and then learn all you can about it. – Life is full of regrets. Learning will never be one of those regrets. – Learning gives you the wings that help you soar.

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Quotes to Encourage a Love of Learning in Kids

– There are things in life that simply must stay open. The mind is one. A parachute is another. – A mind in motion is a sign of growth and intelligence. – Inhale information as you would breathe in air. Refuse to try to live without it.

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Short and Cute Learning Quotes for Kids

These short and cute quotes on learning are almost as fun as the learning itself!  They are bound to put a smile on any kid's face. – Learning is always in fashion. – We are what we learn.

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Short and Cute Learning Quotes for Kids

– Get your learning on every day that ends with a "y." – Every day is a great day to learn something. – Learn what you love and love what you learn.

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A Love of Learning: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

There is no gift more precious and valuable than a love of learning.  The places it can take a child are endless, and the paths learning may open are vast.

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A Love of Learning: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

If you can do anything for a young person in your life, show them that learning is fun, exciting, and endless.  No matter how old they get, they can always learn something new, expand their mind, and better themselves.