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Are looking for the best strong mom quotes for a little encouragement or inspiration? Or maybe you just want to find the perfect words to describe the strength a mother has for her children? Then you’re in the right place! We have put together a list of the best strong mother quotes to inspire you!

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Let’s face it, being a mom isn’t easy. Every day you make a choice to put someone else’s happiness above your own. You get tired.  You get exhausted. You doubt yourself.  Yet you every day you always find the strength for your children.

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Every day you do your best to show up and give it your all, because your children need you to. Every day you show up and give it your all, because you are their mother. And that is the incredible strength of a mother! To show up and give it her all even when she doesn’t think she can.

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So, if you are a mom looking for some inspirational motherhood quotes, or maybe some encouraging mom quotes, or you wanting to encourage a mom with these beautiful quotes about being a mom then these strong mom quotes are sure to lift you up even on the hardest of days.

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Here you’ll find the best strong single mom quotes, quotes for strong moms, strong working mom quotes, and I love my kids quotes to share on any occasion.

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Best Strong Mom Quotes

‘As a mama you may see me struggle, but you will never see me quit.’

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Inspirational Mom Quotes And Sayings

We hope you enjoy these mom strength quotes much as we do. If you are wondering how you can put these being a mom quotes to good use, we suggest using them as strong mom captions for your social media pictures on or by writing them down in your mom journal to reflect back on during those hard days to see just how far you have come.

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Strong Mother Quotes

‘A mom is the glue that holds everything together, even when she feels she may fall apart.’ ‘I’m thankful for my struggles because without them, I wouldn’t know my strengths.’

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Strong Mother Quotes

‘Raising my kids is my choice. Sometimes I give up things or go without for them. I don’t regret it.  My life is and always will be for my children no matter how big they get.  They haven’t ruined my life; they have given me a whole new view on the meaning of life. I couldn’t love them more than I already do.’

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Strong Mother Quotes

‘Children don’t ask to be born. It is a choice we make to bring them into this world.  That is why we change and rearrange our lives for them.’

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Strong Mother Quotes

‘My hope is that they remember I tried. Even when I was tired, even when I was stressed. I hope that they know that I did it all for them. That I had every intention of being great, good, and grand, but some days all I could be was okay.   hope they know I stilled showed up. That I still tried. That every day I tried to be better because of them.’

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Strong Mother Quotes

The strength of a mother is second to none.  Even when she is in times of stress, when she is fighting her own demons, when she is beyond exhausted both mentally and physically nothing will stop her from finding the strength she needs to do for her children what she needs to get done.’

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Mom Strength Quotes

It takes someone really brave to be a mama, someone strong to raise a child, and someone special to love someone more than herself.’

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Mom Strength Quotes

‘I love my kids more than anything else in this world.’ ‘Don’t tell a mom she looks tired; She can see it. She can feel it. She knows she is exhausted. Instead, tell her she is doing a good job; because she might not see it. Might not feel it. And she might not know it.’

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Mom Strength Quotes

‘Somedays I don’t know how I do it. I am so exhausted…But I am a mom so I will always show up and stay strong for my children.’ ‘To all the mamas who are feeling lonely, stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, and continue to pull through each day for the sake of their children, never doubt that you are a good mom.’

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Mom Strength Quotes

‘‘My children are the reason that I smile, that I laugh, that I cry.  They are my happy place, my frustration, they are what makes my heart beat and sometimes break. My children are my everything.’

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Mom Strength Quotes

‘‘Motherhood is hard. I try my best, but some days I struggle to be the mama I want to be. I get exhausted. I make mistakes. I lose my cool.  And some days I struggle to find myself. But, regardless how hard it gets, each day I still show up. And in the end, no one could ever love my child the way I do.’

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Stay Strong Mom Quotes

‘To the mom who feels like you are failing. Don’t doubt yourself. Right now, it feels hard, but each day you still show up, even through the exhaustion.  You pour your love into your children, even though your cup feels empty. You do the best you can, even when you think you can’t. And that dear mama is not failing. You are amazing.’

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Stay Strong Mom Quotes

‘I see you there mama, trying your best. I see you showing up each day, even though you feel exhausted.  I see you making tough choices for your family even when you’re not sure if they are right. I see you working tirelessly, even when it seems never ending. 

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Stay Strong Mom Quotes

I see you working tirelessly, even when it seems never ending. I see you doing an amazing job, even though you doubt yourself. I see you mama, and you are more than enough.’ ‘When it all feels too hard, just remember who you’re doing it for.’

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Stay Strong Mom Quotes

‘I know it’s hard mama. It’s hard to get up every day and have your little people rely on you. It’s hard to push past the exhaustion. It’s hard feeling like the days are on repeat.  Being a mama is hard. But mama even on your hardest days just know how special you are. To them you are everything. No one does it better than you.’

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Strong Mom Motivational Quotes

‘Don’t pity me because I am a single mom. Respect me for having the courage to do it alone, the strength to never give up, and the love to put my child’s needs before my own.’ ‘Being a single mother is twice the work, twice the stress, and twice the tears, but also twice the hugs, twice the love, and twice the pride.’

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Strong Mom Motivational Quotes

‘You’ll never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.’ ‘It takes a strong person to be a single parent and take on two roles. You are amazing in your child’s eyes, so never forget that.’

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Mom Strong Quotes

‘Mama don’t be so hard on yourself. No one is perfect. Somedays you will get it right and somedays you won’t. But what counts is each day you show up and love them hard.’ ‘The thing about motherhood is that no on really knows what they are doing. We are all following our instincts and hoping we get it right.’

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Mom Strong Quotes

‘You can be completely overwhelmed by a season of motherhood and still be completely grateful to be a mother.’ ‘Successful mothers are not the ones who never struggled, they are the ones that never gave up despite their struggles.’

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Mom Strong Quotes

‘The very fact that you worry about being a good mother means that you already are one.’ – Jodi Picoult ‘You can be a mess and still a good mom. We are allowed to be both.’

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Quotes For Strong Mom

‘Being a mother takes a woman’s deepest fears about herself and shows her that she is stronger than them.’

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Quotes For Strong Mom

‘It takes a lot to be a mom. It takes strength to show up each and every day, even when you don’t think you can. It takes patience to teach your children all the things they need to know.  It takes empathy to feel their pain when they don’t have the words.

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Quotes For Strong Mom

It takes forgiveness to forgive yourself every time you get it wrong.  And most of all it takes unconditional love, because no one will love your child like you do.’

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Quotes For Strong Mom

‘We have a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.’ – Laura Stavoe Harm ‘Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.’

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Quotes For Strong Mom

‘To all mothers in every circumstance, including those who struggle, I say, ‘Be peaceful. Believe in God and yourself. You are doing better than you think you are.’’ – Jeffrey R. Holland ‘To be a mother you must be strong. Even if you don’t feel it, you have to pretend.’ – Sade Adu

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Inspirational Strong Mother Quotes

‘There will be so many times when you feel like you fail as a mother. But never forget in the eyes and mind of your child, you are the best mom they could ever have.’ ‘Even when my soul is tired, I will always for strength for my children.’

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Inspirational Strong Mother Quotes

‘As a mama I’m not perfect. I make mistakes. I forget things. I lose my cool. And somedays I go a little crazy. But, it’s okay because in the end, no one could ever love my child the way I do.’ ‘You can be a good mom who pours love into your kids and still say ‘I need a break.’’

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Inspirational Strong Mother Quotes

‘I am a strong woman because a strong woman raised me.’ ‘There is no way to be a perfect mother…but a million ways to be a good one.’ – Jill Churchill

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Inspirational Strong Mother Quotes

‘We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past.  But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here now with the power to shape your day and your future.’ – Dr. Steve Marabodi

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Final Thoughts On Mothers Strength Quotes

It takes an incredible strength to be a mother and show up every day for your children even on days you don’t think you can. We hope these mom strength quotes and quotes about strong mothers remind you how strong you really are!

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Final Thoughts On Mothers Strength Quotes

And if you’re looking for more great quotes, then check out these powerful single mom quotes, mother and son quotes, and mother and daughter quotes.