20 Ways to Make Dad's First Father's Day Special

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Let him sleep in

It may seem obvious, but dads are tired and could totally use some rest. Make sure to wake up early with your kids to give Dad quality R&R. Not only will he wake up in a better mood, but you'll have more time to plan out his superstar breakfast.

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Make him his favorite breakfast

Get his day started on the right foot by making (or taking him out to) his favorite breakfast. Go big for his morning meal and don't skimp on the quality.  Splurge on the best coffee, fresh squeezed OJ and the fluffiest pancake mix in town. Don't stress about calories, because he's got a full day of fun ahead.

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Let him take the lead

Moms of young kids often take the role of family director, and dads are often happy to oblige. Not on Father's Day! Give him the freedom to choose what everyone does and don't worry if he's being silly.  Whether he wants to make fun of your morning yoga routine or run around the house with a (clean) diaper on his head—having fun on his terms is an important 

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Let him take the lead

way to show him the day is truly all about his enjoyment.

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Give him advice from his elders

This step requires a little advanced planning and access to family members who've already experienced the joys of raising children. Privately reach out to as many dads as you can and ask for their wisdom and advice on fatherhood.  Write their words down and, on Father's Day, share them with your husband. Hearing special anecdotes from men he admires will inspire him

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Give him advice from his elders

to keep giving his all to his family.

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Send him a time-traveling letter from his kids

Tear-jerker alert. Want to do something totally unique and sweet? Imagine who your children will be when they've grown up, and write a letter to their father from them in the future.  Use each line of the letter to thank him for being a great father, and for helping them become people he can be proud of. Make sure to have some tissues handy when he opens the letter on Father's Day.

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Stock up on his favorites

Nothing says "This is YOUR day" like having all your favorites within reach. Stock the fridge with his favorite drinks and snacks, then take it a step further by having his favorite movies available.  Keep his favorite music playing in the background. Show him you know what he loves and are all too happy to provide it.

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Set up a scavenger hunt

Want to make gift-giving on Father's Day even more fun? Hide his gifts and leave him a series of clues to find them. Dads love a good challenge and a scavenger hunt can be a playful way to provide one.

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Give him a meaningful gift

At least one of the gifts you give the father of your children on his first Father's Day should be sentimental and truly special.  Whether it's a collection of photos he's never seen or a personalized memento (an engraved clock marking the hours and minutes since he became a dad, perhaps?)—he deserves something that represents his important new role in life.

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Create a fatherhood time capsule

Start a fun tradition that can grow over the years by creating a fatherhood time capsule. Load a sturdy box with pictures of when you and your child's father first met and fell in love, and lead all the way up to their first months as a dad.  Then, bury it somewhere safe (and make sure to protect it from the elements). Every Father's Day, dig up the box and add more memories to it. As the kids grow, they

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Create a fatherhood time capsule

can even get involved. Before long, that box will become a treasure trove of special memories.

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Go outside and play

One sure-fire way to make the day a special occasion is to head outside. Whether you're hosting a cookout or just taking a stroll through the neighborhood, getting out into nature is an important way to bond, have fun and de-stress.  Put down your phones, turn off the TV and get out of the house. If Dad's up for it, toss a ball around or play some other fun game. You'll 

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Go outside and play

enjoy it and he'll know you did it for him.

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Don't let stress ruin the day

Having little kids means there's bound to be stress during the day. Do your best to keep Father's Day fun and light by not sweating the small stuff.  When the kids cry or the toast gets burned, take it in stride and show your children's father that he deserves a day without the drama life can inevitably bring.

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Take over his chores

No one loves this step, but it's one of the nicest ways to show someone they're appreciated. Take over any daily chores your children's father normally does and let him kick back and relax.  Just don't huff, puff and sigh while you're doing them. That takes away from the gift and will make him feel guilty instead of spoiled.

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Take lots of pictures

This shouldn't have to be said but often we get so busy making the day perfect that we forget to take pictures.  Make sure to document these moments between your children and their father. Before you know it, the kids will be grown up and those photographs will have more value than you could ever imagine.

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Take him out for his favorite meal

Does he love sushi but it's not usually in the budget? Is he a steak and potatoes kind of guy who would love a juicy ribeye cooked to perfection? Whatever his meal preference, take him to (or prepare for him) his favorites and let him feast.  Food is the way to a man's heart and Father's Day is a great reason to eat something spectacular.

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Let him know he's a wonderful dad

We tend to take the people in our lives for granted (hey, we're only human) but on Father's Day we should definitely make the effort to change that.  Tell the father of your children exactly why he's an amazing dad and be specific. It may help if you write out a list ahead of time and read it to him, so he can see (and hear) just how much you appreciate him.

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Schedule some down time

By now you're probably tired just reading this list. Celebrating can be exhausting, especially when you're new parents with a child who requires a lot of attention.  Make sure to pencil in some quiet time for you and Dad to relax and recoup before continuing on with his special day.

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Give him one-on-one time with the kids

It's called Father's Day, because it's not just about the dad, but the kids that made him a father, too.  Take a step back and let the children spend some one-on-one time with their father. Moms tend to keep a hawk-like eye on their little ones, but today's a great day to relax and let Dad flex his own parental muscles.

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Invite the family over to celebrate

Assuming you have family nearby and your child's father wants them to come over, why not make it a family affair?  These days life is moving a mile a minute, and we forget to take time to gather around the ones we love and share our joys with them. Make it even easier by turning the celebration into a potluck so you aren't stuck doing all the cooking.

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Indulge him with an awesome surprise

Dads sacrifice a LOT for their families and deserve something totally fun and exciting for Father's Day.  Whether it's tickets to watch their favorite team play, or a cool new gaming system, give your child's father a totally unnecessary and absolutely wonderful gift that will make them giddy with delight.