14 Fun Weekend Family Activities

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1. High School Sporting Event

Go to a local high school football, basketball or any other game. Games will usually cost anywhere up to $5 and are sometimes even free for kids!  To make this even more fun, collect plastic bottles and any cardboard/poster board to make signs and noisemakers to cheer your team on.

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2. Mystery Trip

Take the kids on a mystery trip. Give them clues about your destination as you get closer. It can be something as simple as an ice cream shop or a playground, or a trip to a museum or amusement park. The possible destinations are endless—just make it a surprise!

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3. Family Theater

Put your child in the spotlight and put on a family play. You can make this as simple or detailed as you want by creating costumes, props, tickets, and maybe even some yummy refreshments. This is also a great opportunity to record a home video!

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4. The Family Restaurant

Let your children prepare a meal and serve it to you and your husband restaurant style.  This is a great way for them to have fun in the kitchen and a memorable experience for everyone!

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5. Gardening 101

Plant flowers (indoors in a flower pot or outside). Let your child pick out what kind of flower he or she wants to plant and teach them how to take care of it.

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6. Be Our Guest

Get to know the family of one of your child’s friends by having the family over for a cookout.

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7. Picture Perfect

Let your kids take photos, print them, and make a photo album—then have the kids think of captions.  Photo albums are easy, fun, and serve as a great keepsake!

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8. Scavenger Hunt

Have a fun, free scavenger hunt. You can make up fun clues and even have a prize at the end!  If you aren’t too sure where to start, look up some ideas on the internet to get you going.

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9. Bike Ride

Go on a bike ride that ends with a picnic.  Map your route before you leave, choosing new and interesting destinations each week. This day will be full of fun, food, and great exercise!

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10. Spa Day (girls only!)

Have a spa hour—paint each other’s nails, do your hair, and let them put makeup on you. To make your spa day even better, wear bathrobes and put on some soothing tunes!

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11. Obstacle Course

Build an obstacle course and let each family member compete for the best time. You can even make certificates or medals for everyone.

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12. Garage Sale

Have a garage sale and let your kids decide how to spend the proceeds on a family day.  Who says you can’t have fun and tidy up the garage at the same time?

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13. Secret Serving

Plan a secret surprise for someone in need.  For example, cook a meal for someone or mow their lawn without them knowing who did it.

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14. Backyard Camping

Tell ghost stories, look at the stars, and enjoy some yummy s’mores all in the comfort of your very own backyard.