Holiday Traditions

Cooking together

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Your kiddos can help — plus it’ll make them feel more involved and a part of the celebration.

Decorating for the season

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Family Christmas traditions like decorating the tree or hanging lights is a beautiful way to commemorate the holiday season. 

Enjoying parades

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Make it a family tradition to gather with your community.

Baking favorites

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Did your grandma always make fudge?  Do your kids love sugar cookies on Christmas? Get in the kitchen with your littles to make holiday treats.

Gift exchanges

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From gifting your kids matching pajamas for a photoshoot to hosting a white elephant exchange, gifts can be a part of your family’s holiday traditions. Another idea?  Gifting something each year to a family in need.

Holiday performances

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Attend The Nutcracker or a Christmas concert each year and enjoy the production as a family.  Stick around to meet the crew or thank the stagehands.

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